
Information for employees

What should I do if I get sick?

If you are sick, contact your supervisor; inform them that you have the flu and stay home until you are well. In the case of the flu, this means keeping out of contact with others until 24 hours after your symptoms – including fever – are gone.

  • Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids and eat lightly
  • Try not to infect others – stay home, and if/when you are near other people, cover your sneezes, and making sure to wash your hands regularly
  • Find a flu buddy so you can take care of each other if one of you gets sick

Normal sick leave and academic provisions apply. Requests for additional time or accommodation should be discussed with your supervisor or professor.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, call Telehealth Ontario at: 1-866-797-0000 or talk to your health care provider.