The academic unit’s Self-Study of its degree program(s) will be broad-based, reflective, forward-looking and will include critical analysis. It will provide a critical appraisal of the strengths and challenges of the degree program(s), address concerns or recommendations raised in previous reviews, and will comment on areas where enhancements of quality are possible.
Using the Self-Study template provided by the Office of the Provost, the Academic Unit (department/school) will complete the self-study and submit it to their Dean for review.
Samples of completed Self-Studies are also available upon request.
All faculty involved in the program(s) being reviewed should be involved in the writing and/or review of the self-study and appendices. This includes – partnership institutions and academic units with shared responsibility for program delivery. The Self-Study document may also include input of others deemed to be relevant and useful, such as representatives of: industry, related professions, practical training programs and employers.
Multiple Locations
If the degree is offered at more than one campus, Trent Durham, a partnering College, and/or University, the Self-Study should discuss the offerings of the degree programs at each campus and include any notable distinctions.
Multiple Degrees Being Reviewed
The Self-Study will clearly address all degree programs under review. It is the responsibility of the Dean(s) and the head of the Academic Unit(s) to ensure Review Documentation is being prepared for all degree programs scheduled for review.
- When more than 1 degree program is being reviewed, the academic unit, in consultation with the Office of the Provost, will decide if single or multiple self-studies will be written.
- It is recommended that separate self-studies be written where both undergraduate and graduate programs are being reviewed, or in cases where degree programs are significantly different.
- In cases where there is significant overlap, one self-study will be sufficient however the self-study should clearly discuss the unique attributes and requirements of each degree program.
Joint Degree Programs with Partnering Universities
The Self-Study will be written in collaboration with partnering universities. Colleges have their own quality assurance processes and although they will be part of the process and participate in the site visit, the processes are very different.