Terms of Reference
Provost's Planning Group (PPG) is responsible for the development of integrated planning processes and a multi-year budget framework for the University. The Chair of this planning group is the Provost & Vice President Academic. Specifically, PPG serves to:
1. Implement integrated planning processes and develop an integrated plan for the University
- to initiate and develop procedures and protocols for the creation of an integrated plan
- to receive, compile, and evaluate unit plans from every academic and administrative unit
- to integrate philanthropic and other revenue generation plans, funding priorities and multi-year fundraising targets into the integrated planning process
- to conduct the planning process in an open and transparent manner
- to have draft plans reviewed by the appropriate Senate, Board, and administrative committees
- to recommend endorsement/approval by Senate and the Board of the integrated plan
- to establish a communications framework for the dissemination and review of the integrated plan
- to monitor success and progress in implementation of Trent’s integrated plan
2. Develop a multi-year budget framework within a five-year integrated planning cycle
- to develop criteria for, and recommend to PVP, allocations associated with integrated planning
- to identify priorities in-year and over a multi-year framework, and to budget accordingly in response to PVP direction
- to prepare a multi-year budget framework collaboratively with the Vice-President Administration
3. Consult with and obtain appropriate input from governing bodies and existing committees on planning issues
4. Recommend new Steering or Review Committees, Task Forces, Working Groups or other mechanisms, and to refer matters to PVP and existing committees and governing bodies, as appropriate, in order to ensure smooth operations, consultation and implementation of university priorities
5. Receive updates and identify actions on projects for which members of PPG are Executive Sponsors
- Provost & Vice President Academic (Chair)
- Vice President Research & Innovation
- Associate Vice President Finance
- Associate Vice President International
- Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences
- Dean, Science
- Dean, School of Graduate Studies
- Dean, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
- Dean, School of Education
- Dean, Trent Durham
- University Librarian
- University Registrar
- Director, Quality Assurance & Academic Affairs