What does error message “You are not authorized to view the requested page” mean?
System access may be incorrectly set up for user ID. Please advise purchaisng@trentu.ca or michaellew@trentu.ca
Can the system generated emails be turned off for requisitioning?
No, the emails are generated automatically by the system so requisitioners and approvers can track status and take appropriate action.
Quick Tip: Utilize Rules and Alerts function in Outlook to manage incoming messages and automatically organize your inbox.
If a departmental account number or object code is missing from the account list, how are GL accounts added to the system?
Contact finance@trentu.ca to advise issue
If a vendor is not on the vendor list, how can users request a vendor be added?
- Vendor detail can be email to purchasing@trentu.ca requesting vendor update
- Leave the vendor ID field blank and provide the vendor information in the “Comments” field of the requisition or advise new vendor and direct to vendor quote attachment for vendor information.
An error message “Unable to View Requisition Data” appears when Save and Attach is selected.
Copying and pasting large bodies of text from a quotation or vendor website can cause this issue. Try limiting the text to sixty characters or less, and if the problem persists try manually typing the information in.
Can an approver reject a requisition?
The system only allows for approvals. The approver can email the initiator to delete the requisition if rejected.
Can I forward the supporting documentation to purchasing email as was done previously rather than as an attachment to requisition?
All documentation associated with the procurement is to be attached to the requisition. The email purchasedocs@trentu.ca is discontinued.