Workshops and Events
Whose Data is it, Anyway?
Format: Online
When: Monday February 10, 12:00-12:50 p.m.
Who owns the data you're using to conduct your research? Where and when can you publish your data? Can you make it discoverable? With whom can it be shared? Join us as we reflect on these important questions and discuss how to maximize the impact of your research by ensuring that data is as open as possible and as restricted as necessary.
Register for Whose Data is it, Anyway?
Making a Map in ArcGIS Online
Format: In person
Where: Bata Library room 402
When: Monday February 10, 1:00-1:50 p.m.
Join us for this 50-minute in-person workshop where you will create an interactive map using ArcGIS Online. You will learn how to convert a spreadsheet into spatial data, create pop-ups with images and links, symbolize data, and share your map.
This workshop is ideal for beginners who are new to mapping and GIS software. ArcGIS Online is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Register for Making a Map in ArcGIS Online
Map anytime, anywhere, online with Google Earth Engine
Format: Online
When: Tuesday February 11, 11:00-11:55 a.m.
Google Earth Engine is a cloud-based software that hosts free satellite imagery layers which you can use for mapping the world over decades. In this session, we will use the platform's JavaScript coding environment to add and manipulate imagery of Peterborough, and create map images and videos spanning back more than 40 years. After that, easily transfer your workflow to another location anywhere on Earth.
No prior experience is required; a basic knowledge of coding or satellite imagery will be an asset.
Register for Map anytime, anywhere online with Google Earth Engine
R Figures
Format: In person
Location: Bata Library room 402
When: Wednesday February 12, 1:00-1:50 p.m.
Let's show off your hard work this year by making great graphs, plots, and figures in R. In this workshop we will focus on data visualization using common R packages like ggplot2. Using an example dataset, we will create basic publication-quality figures that could be included in a final project or thesis. Afterwards, you can transfer the workshop code and use what you've learned to generate figures on your own.
Prior experience in R is required for this workshop. While we will cover some basics, it is expected that participants know how to install and load packages, define variables, and create and run functions in RStudio. Ideal for those who have already conducted analyses and are looking to create a final output for their article or paper.
Register for R Figures
Open-source mapping with QGIS
Format: Hybrid
Location for in-person registrants: Bata Library room 402
When: Thursday February 13, 1:00-1:50 p.m.
Learn to create maps in the open-source program QGIS. If you have thought about using ArcGIS but don't have a Windows PC, then you're in luck! QGIS is an open-source program that is available on Windows, MacOS and Linux. In this short workshop, we will cover the basics of mapmaking from importing spatial data to creating a final map output. Our goal is to enable you to map spatial data and produce professional, publication-quality maps for your own research and course work.
No prior experience is required.
Register for Open-source mapping with QGIS