Course Listings Results Block
Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
SWRK-1000H: Introduction to Social Work
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
An introduction to the profession of social work with an emphasis on its functions, values, ethics, and theoretical base. Methods of intervention, fields of practice, and ideological perspectives are explored, along with critical thinking about intersecting oppressions, diversity, and the practice of social work with various populations within Canadian and global contexts.
SWRK-1001H: Introduction to Social Welfare
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides an overview of Canada's social welfare system. Adopting a critical theoretical approach, the historical development of social policies and programs will be examined. Social welfare frameworks and systems in Canada will be considered in light of issues such as culture, ethnicity, class, dignity, diversity, hegemony, and oppression.
SWRK-2001H: Skills for the Helping Professions
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Building on foundations of social work theory, knowledge, ethics, and skills, this course introduces processes of change across micro, mezzo and macro levels of practice from an anti-oppressive practice framework. It introduces the emotional, intellectual, and professional/personal characteristics required for the practice of social work and other helping professions. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits.
SWRK-2004H: Alternative Theories of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Working from micro to macro level of practice, students develop a critical understanding of human behaviour in the social environment. Students review and critique a range of dominant theories of behaviour, and a variety of alternative theories that are more inclusive and structural. Students develop academic writing and reading skills. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits. Not open to students with credit for SWRK 4004H.
SWRK-2007H: Children and Youth's Residential Services: Continuum of Care
- Durham GTA
Explores children's out-of-home placements, including kinship, customary care, foster care, residential treatment, and secure treatment. The vulnerabilities of children in care and mental health services will be examined. Mechanisms to protect children's rights will be studied in the context of legislated complaint procedures and quality assurance measures. Prerequisite: 4.0 university credits including 1.0 CHYS credit or SWRK 1000H and 1001H.
Cross-listed: CHYS-2007H
SWRK-3000Y: Social Work Field Education Placement
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Includes three mandatory parts--orientation, field placement hours, and regular in-class integration seminars--and will provide opportunities for students to integrate social work theory and practice and to apply and develop social work knowledge and skills. Students will apply key social work concepts, theories, and intervention approaches including process recording, critical thinking, and ethical practice. Prerequisite: 65% or higher in each of SWRK 3001H, 3002H, and 3003H, and a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening. A student with a criminal record that is unacceptable to a placement agency may not be able to complete the program.
SWRK-3001H: Social Work Communication Skills
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Presents social work interviewing, assessment, communication, and documentation practice skills. Students will conceptualize, assess, and apply supportive, culturally appropriate, and ethical intervention strategies with diverse service users. The course will be delivered using experiential learning approaches and utilize lab-based activities and assignments. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3002H: Social Work Theory and Practice 1
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Presents theoretical approaches with societies, communities, families, and individuals; examines the roots of personal and social problems; and discusses working with diverse service user populations. Offers readings, discussions, lectures, and assignments geared to assisting students to integrate mezzo and macro levels of social work theory, practice, and social action. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3003H: Social Work Research
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides an overview of social work research methods and their application in anti-oppressive social change oriented practice. Social change oriented approaches to research and community-based research methods and practitioner self-study will be considered as tools for knowledge production and mobilization. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3004H: Social Work and Indigenous Perspectives
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Examines the history of colonialism, multigenerational trauma, anti-racist practice, strengths of Indigenous cultures, and relevant current and traditional healing modalities. Examines structural inequities including institutional, social, historic, and economic systems and bridges traditional Indigenous cultural teachings with evidenced-based research in order to provide culturally safe and appropriate care. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
This course meets the Indigenous Course Requirement.
SWRK-3005H: Diversity, Identity, Social Location, and Oppression
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Invites students to consider the dynamics of difference to inform social work theory, research, and practice. Various dimensions of diversity are explored, including age, class, culture, gender, race, disability, and sexual orientation. Cultural safety/humility is explored, and critical thinking, reflection, and awareness of identity, privilege, and intersectionality are emphasized. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3006H: Social Work and Social Policy
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Provides students with an overview of social policy in Canada and its role in anti-oppressive change-oriented social work practice. Students will review historical policy processes and orientations to social welfare and consider their relevance in the contemporary social welfare context. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3007H: Community Social Work
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Focuses on community organization and development as well as the nature of community, its structures and processes, issues, and strategies of intervention across a variety of practice techniques, including community formation, organizing, and advocacy. Locality development, identity-based organizing, social planning, asset mapping, community capacity, social change, and collectivization will be explored. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years.
SWRK-3102H: Anti-Oppressive Child Welfare
- Durham GTA
Reviews the history of child welfare in Canada, issues of colonization, racialization, sexism, poverty, and discrimination, and examines the current structure of child welfare systems including legislation, definitions of abuse/neglect, roles of workers, and demographics of service users. Anti-oppressive theories of assessment and intervention strategies are examined and applied. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years or permission of the director.
SWRK-3105H: Queering Social Work
- Peterborough
Provides an overview of queer history, presence/ absence (exclusion of lesbians, trans, Indigenous, polysexual, and intersex individuals), theories, issues, liberation, resistance, and victories. Emphasis on sexual/ gender diversity, privilege, and identity(ies). Support of queer persons and queer-straight alliances, as well as the protection and growth of queer communities, will be explored. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years or permission of director.
SWRK-3107H: Social Work and Addictions
- Durham GTA
In the context of anti-oppressive social work practice, this course covers pharmacological foundations of substance use; theoretical perspectives on the etiology of addiction; the history and structure of addiction and mental health treatment/support systems; treatment/support/prevention strategies for individuals, families, and groups; and policy/ethical debates. The implications across at-risk populations will be discussed. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years or permission of director.
SWRK-3108H: Africentric Perspectives in Social Work
- Peterborough
Provides students with an opportunity to engage in critical dialogue, reflection, and action about historical and contemporary experiences of African Canadians and Africans in the Diaspora. The course also focuses on awareness of Afri/Afrocentric theory and its application in social work practice with Africans, Afro Caribbean, and non-Africans. Prerequisite: Admission to BSW professional years or permission of the director. Excludes SWRK 3950H.
SWRK-4000D: Social Work Field Education Placement
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Includes three mandatory parts-orientation, field placement hours, and regular in-class integration seminars-and will provide opportunities for students to further develop and integrate social work theory and practice and to apply and develop social work knowledge and skills. Students will apply key social work concepts, theories, and intervention approaches, including process recording, critical thinking, and ethical practice. Prerequisite: a pass in SWRK 3000Y and a renewed Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening. A student with a criminal record that is unacceptable to a placement agency may be unable to complete the program.
SWRK-4001H: Feminist-Informed Trauma Practice
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Explores feminist theories, assessment, and intervention, and an integrated trauma model to work with trauma survivors. Analysis of intersectionality, the feminization of poverty, violence against women, racialized violence, children who witness violence, the construction of masculine violence as a cultural norm, and violence within same-sex couples will be examined. Prerequisite: 65% or higher in each of SWRK 3006H and 3007H.
SWRK-4002H: Social Work Theory and Practice 2
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Moving from macro and mezzo perspectives to micro-level theoretical assessment and intervention, this course examines social work theoretical models for working with service users, including the use of self as a therapeutic tool; planned change processes; understandings of diversity, identity, social location, intersectionality, and oppression; current research; and professional roles/functions. Prerequisite: 65% or higher in each of SWRK 3001H, 3002H, and 3003H.
SWRK-4005H: Social Work With Groups
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
The history, theory, and practice of group structure, process, skills, and development are examined. Content includes the use of self as a therapeutic tool in diverse group contexts; understandings of diversity, identity, social location, intersectionality, and oppression in group work; current research on group interventions; and professional ethics, skills, roles and functions. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSW professional years and 65% or higher in each of SWRK 3006H and 3007H.
SWRK-4006H: Social Work and Families
- Peterborough
- Durham GTA
Teaches interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives and practice approaches that are relevant for working with the contemporary family in all its forms, including Bowen, systems, feminist, structural, narrative, brief therapy, and Indigenous approaches. Develops family practice skills through the use of lectures, readings, class discussions/exercises, and interactive role play experiences. Prerequisite: 65% or higher in SWRK 4002H. Excludes SWRK 3103H.