Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
EGEO-1040H: Earth's Physical Processes and Environments
- Peterborough
An examination of the atmospheric, tectonic, and geomorphic forces that shape Earth's physical environments. Issues addressed include soil conservation, groundwater resources, and climate change. Field work. Prerequisite for all science courses in Geography.
Cross-listed: GEOG-1040H
EGEO-2001H: Earth Materials
- Peterborough
This introductory mineralogy and petrology course teaches students about the origin, properties, and classification of minerals and rocks with environmental (e.g., human health) and economic importance. Practical laboratory exercises enable students to become proficient at identifying specimens using physical and optical properties. Prerequisite: EGEO-GEOG 1040H or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for EGEO-GEOG 3000H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-2001H
EGEO-2090H: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
- Online
- Peterborough
Introduces the fundamentals of GIS technology and applications. The essentials of GIS structural components, spatial data models, and the analytical GIS operations on such data models are examined in detail. Experience with GIS analysis is gained through laboratory exercises. Prerequisite: One of GEOG 1030H, GEOG-EGEO 1040H, or GEOG 1050H; or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H; or both BIOL 1020H and 1030H. Elementary or intermediate-level experience with microcomputers and their operating systems is desirable.
Cross-listed: GEOG-2090H, ERSC-2090H
EGEO-2180H: Apocalypse Now
- Peterborough
An examination of the physical causes of a variety of extreme geophysical events, risk estimation and perception, and the societal approaches adopted to adjust to natural hazards. The course concentrates on climate-related natural hazards (e.g., hurricanes, droughts, floods), but also examines other geophysical events such as earthquakes. Prerequisite: ERSC 1010H or GEOG-EGEO 1040H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-2180H, ERSC-2180H
EGEO-2401H: Environmental Geology
- Peterborough
Environmental geology examines the interactions between society and the geologic environment. This course begins with an introduction to the fundamental geologic processes and Earth materials, and then focuses on the most pressing geological issues of today, including fossil fuel and mineral extraction, natural hazards, climate change, water resources, and waste disposal. Prerequisite: EGEO-GEOG 1040H.
Cross-listed: ERSC-2401H, GEOG-2401H
EGEO-2540H: Earth's Dynamic Landforms
- Peterborough
Addresses a selection of sedimentary processes that create a variety of features observed at the surface of the earth. Emphasis is placed upon understanding and quantifying sediment production and transport. This knowledge is then extended to the interpretation of arid, coastal, and fluvial landforms. Prerequisite: GEOG-EGEO 1040H or both ERSC 1010H and 1020H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-2540H
EGEO-3001H: Applied and Environmental Geophysics
- Peterborough
Geophysics is the study of geologic properties, processes and phenomena using non-destructive physical and mathematical methods, including reflection and refraction seismology, gravity and magnetics, and electrical and electromagnetic methods. This course emphasizes how geophysical techniques can be used for resource and archeological exploration, climate change detection, and environmental investigations. Prerequisite: PHYS 1000H or 1001H or 1.0 MATH credit. Typically offered every other year.
Cross-listed: ANTH-3001H, FRSC-3001H
EGEO-3002H: Structural Geology
- Peterborough
Examines the genesis of rock units and the causes and outcomes of subsequent deformation. Students are introduced to the different geologic structures and methods to describe them. Emphasis is the structural relevance to hydrogeology, mineralogy, and natural resources, as well as subsurface contamination migration. Required field trips. Prerequisite: EGEO-GEOG 2001H. Typically offered every other year.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3002H
EGEO-3003H: Field Methods in Environmental Geoscience
- Peterborough
Students learn essential field skills, including designing a field study, mapping, and measurement techniques. The geology of Central Ontario and its mining industry are examined along with the potential for environmental impacts. Most instruction takes place during required field trips with students documenting their work in technical reports. Prerequisite: EGEO-GEOG 2001H or EGEO-GEOG-ERSC 2401H or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for EGEO-ERSC-GEOG 2000H.
Cross-listed: ERSC-3003H, GEOG-3003H
EGEO-3530H: Hydrology
- Peterborough
Study of the movement of water through the environment with emphasis on terrestrial aspects including interception, infiltration, soil moisture, groundwater, surface runoff, and stream-flow, also covering human impact on hydrological processes. Prerequisite: 9.0 university credits including GEOG-BIOL-ERSC 2080H and one of GEOG 2460H, GEOG-EGEO 2540H, or GEOG 3440H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3530H, WASC-3530H
EGEO-3560H: Soil Science
- Peterborough
Soils represent one of the most important natural resources from the point of view of sustainable agriculture and forestry, and protection of habitat. This course explores the scientific basis and management options for conservation of soil resources. Prerequisite: ERSC 2240H or ERSC-EGEO-GEOG 2401H or GEOG 3520H or both GEOG 2540H and 2560H. Recommended: ERSC-GEOG-SAFS 3560H.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3560H, SAFS-3560H, ERSC-3560H
EGEO-3590H: Sedimentary Processes
- Peterborough
An advanced treatment of sedimentary processes and related stratigraphic features that occur in a wide range of environmental contexts inclusive of benthic, coastal, and dryland systems. An emphasis is placed upon field and laboratory techniques for measurement, and on case studies. Prerequisite: One of GEOG-EGEO-ERSC 2401H, GEOG-EGEO 2540H, or GEOG 3520H, or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed: GEOG-3590H
EGEO-4000H: Environmental Geoscience Placement Course
- Peterborough
A placement experience with a government agency, school, industry, or non-governmental agency, or related laboratory or work unit, on themes and principles learned during coursework associated with the Environmental Geoscience program in the School of the Environment. Prerequisite: Open only to students who are registered in the Environmental Geoscience program with a minimum cumulative average of 75% and 13.5 university credits. Students are eligible to apply in the year before anticipated enrolment in the course.
EGEO-4020D: Honours Thesis
- Peterborough
Design, implementation, and dissemination of a major research project in environmental geoscience featuring independent work under the supervision of a faculty supervisor. This research must be based on at least one foundational geoscience field, including geoscience fieldwork, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentary processes, geochemistry, hydrology/hydrogeology, geomorphology, and soil science. Prerequisite: 14.0 university credits and a minimum cumulative average of 75%. Students must find a faculty member who is agreeable to supervise their project. Applications are available from the Trent School of the Environment Office, and should be submitted in the academic year before enrolment in the course.
EGEO-4060H: The Geochemistry of Natural Waters
- Peterborough
Examines the chemistry of freshwater systems. Chemical and physical processes that lead to changes in water quality are discussed. The emphasis is on the concentrations and distributions of contaminants. Topics include watershed contributions of chemicals, acidification and the carbonate system, weathering, redox chemistry, trace metals, and synthetic organic contaminants. Prerequisite: ERSC 2230H or ERSC-CHEM 2620H.
Cross-listed: ERSC-4060H, GEOG-4060H, WASC-4060H, BIOL-4060H