You are able to request PDF documents online through the MyTrent Portal.
Immigration Letter Requests
You may require a Verification of Enrollment Letter for immigration purposes. For example, to extend your study permit, to apply for an entry visa, etc. You may request a letter on the myTrent portal.
- Undergraduate or Postgraduate Certificate - myTrent > Register > Verification > International Immigration Letter Request
- Trent-ESL - myTrent > Academics > International > ESL Letter / ESL Transcript Request
- Graduate (Masters or PhD) - myTrent > Academics > Verification of Enrollment Request
This letter will include your:
- full name
- student number
- program
- start dates
- anticipated graduation date
Verification of Enrollment Letters
Do you need a letter to open a bank account, for your employer, or an academic purpose to verify this terms enrollment at Trent? You can request a Verification of Enrollment Letter from the Office of the Registrar on myTrent.
- Undergraduate or Postgraduate Certificate - myTrent > Register > Verification > Verification of Enrollment Request
- Trent-ESL - myTrent > Academics > International > ESL Letter
- Graduate (Masters or PhD) - myTrent > Academics > Verification of Enrollment Request
Completion Letters
- Once you complete your program, you will be issued a Verification of Program Completion Letter by the Office of the Registrar or the School of Graduate Studies.
- Letters are issued mid-May, mid-September, or mid-January depending on your completion date.
- Feel free to email if you have any questions.
- Request on myTrent > Academics > Forms (these requests go to the Registrar's Office and include a fee)
- Trent-ESL Transcripts - myTrent > Academics > International - issued after the completion of the term.
UHIP Card Requests
Health Insurance proof of coverage - myTrent > Support > Health and Wellness
Part-Time Courseload Requests
myTrent > Academics > International
International students should remain full-time enrolled in each mandatory term of their program if they wish to take advantage of their study permit working conditions and remain eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. However, international students are permitted to be in less than a full-time courseload in their final term of study if they have less than a full-courseload to complete their studies. In this circumstances, they will still remain eligible to work as per study permit working conditions and remain eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program.