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Common Spaces
Lady Eaton Common Spaces
From T
Live in Residence
Living at Lady Eaton College
Modern living is yours at Lady Eaton, in the tradition residences at the foot of
Traill College is unique in having two mascots.
Scarf Ceremony
Scarf Ceremony
College scarves are a tradition that date back to 19th-century Oxford, England. Originally worn by rowers and other athletes, the scarf began to gain a more universal appeal in the 20th century. Scarves used to be solid in colour, but wool shortages during the First World War led to them having unique, striped designs.
Our Symbol
Three Minute Thesis (3MT ™)Competition
Thank you to all of our 3MT ™ participants! You can watch a recording of the full competition with all presentations here.
Special congratulations to our 2023 award winners:
Being Trent University’s oldest college, Traill has almost six decades of traditions that make up its collegiate tapestry. For example: