If you would like more information about the fellowship, you can find that at https://www.stlhe.ca/awards/3m-national-student-fellowship/
Student Awards
3M National Student Fellowship
The 3M National Student Fellowship is offered by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in partnership with 3M Canada. The prestigious fellowship honours up to ten full-time college and university students at Canadian institutions who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their lives and at their college or university. These students embrace a vision of quality education that enhances their academic experience and the experience of those around them.
Each year the fellowship cohort is publicly announced in mid-March. More information about the fellowship can be found at https://www.stlhe.ca/awards/3m-national-student-fellowship/
The process for selecting Trent University’s nominee for the fellowship includes nominations being received from individuals and departments at Trent, and an in-depth interview process with short-listed candidates. The Centre for Teaching and Learning supports the 3M National Student Fellowship candidate throughout the nomination process. Questions regarding nominations for the 3M National Student Fellowship can be directed to teaching@trentu.ca.
Fellowship Recipients
Tonya-Leah Watts (2019)
Debbie Jenkins (2018)
Erin Hayward (2017)