Dr. Nadine Changfoot
Full Professor
Trent University
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 0G2
Champlain College, C2
Phone: (705) 748-1011 x6005
Fax: (705)748-1047
E-mail: nadinechangfoot@trentu.ca
Nadine Changfoot completed her B.A. in Public Policy and Administration (York), M.A. in Public Administration (Carleton), and Ph.D. in Political Science (A Feminist Investigation of Hegel’s Dialectic, York). She is a Senior Research Associate with Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice at the University of Guelph and serves on the executive of the Trent Centre for Aging and Society and Board of EC3, The Electric City Culture Council. She was Chair of Political Studies from January 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017. She has taught at York University and Duke University. She has been a Visiting Scholar at Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies and Political Science at Duke University and Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley (SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship). Nadine has also worked as a policy analyst for the Ontario and Federal governments and as a senior management consultant for a private firm in Ottawa.
Nadine's teaching and research interests combine Canadian politics, political theory, feminist, aging, critical disability, critical race, queer and sustainability studies. She teaches courses on topics of cultural politics, gender, women and politics, activist art, politics and film, and democratizing Canadian society. Her research includes activist art and politics, community arts, arts-based and community-based research on issues related to aging, disability and difference, environmental sustainability, and the (re)signification of Hegel's dialectic for feminist thought. She was awarded a Trent University Teaching Fellowship (2018-2021) to develop critically informed Wikipedia assignments for students to make meaningful and rigorous contributions related to community and disability culture and improve Wikipedia articles. This is significant because Wikipedia is the most accessed public information source. Students have been excited and rewarded to see their contributions go public.
Undergraduate Courses taught
POST-CAST 2012H Democratizing Canada: Contemporary Issues
POST-CUST 3571H Arts and Culture Enacting Social Change: Cultural Politics
POST 3600H Designing and Doing Qualitative Research in Political Studies
POST-CAST-GESO 3671H Gender and Politics in Canada: Cultural and Media Interventions
POST-CAST-MDST-SOCI 3672H Gender, Diversity and Intersectionalities
POST-CUST-MDST-SOCI 3465H Realities and Futurities in Film: Politics and Film
POST 4505H Futurities: Centering Difference and Worldmaking(s): Political, Cultural and Social Theory Course
Graduate Courses taught
CUST 5505H Futurities: Centering Difference and Worldmaking(s): Political, Cultural and Social Theory Course
CSID 5301H/CAST 6301H Policy, Economy and the State
Graduate Supervision
Dr. Changfoot supervises and mentors undergraduate and graduate students who pursue interdisciplinary questions and methodologies oriented toward social justice in the areas of aging, disability, critical race, sustainability, and Indigenous studies. Her students are awardees of the Trudeau Scholarship, SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship (both MA and PhD), Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), MacKenzie King Scholarship, and Trent University awards and scholarships. For more information on her research and graduate students, please go to this link.
Research Projects
On January 15, 2025, Dr. Changfoot (Acting Director of the Trent Centre for Aging & Society led and hosted, Anishinaabe Indigenous Intergenerational Growing Old/Aging Gathering (AIIGO, CIHR Café Scientifique funded). This public event brought together for the first time community from Curve Lake First Nation, Hiawatha First Nation, Trent, Peterborough/Nogojiwanong, and people further afield through virtual attendance to learn of Anishinaabe and Indigenous visions of growing old/aging intergenerationally. A morning keynote panel was deeply moving and community-strengthening with Anne Taylor (Curve Lake), Sandra Moore (Hiawatha), and Bailley Taylor (Curve Lake) sharing the importance of relations, human and non-human, when growing old. In the exciting afternoon keynote, Dr. Sean Hillier (Mi’kmaw Scholar, York U, Member of Qalipu First Nation) shared how Indigenous peoples, nations and tribes in seven different countries are working to envision a good life for aging through language preservation, traditional foods, culture, and relationship to land in interconnecting ways that resist the disconnection of colonialism. Anne Taylor’s quote “Aging is a Beautiful Thing” very nicely sums up Anishinaabe and Indigenous views of growing old.
Bodies in Translation (BIT): Activist Art, Technology, and Access to Life, Trent Research Lead and Management Team Member (SSHRCC Partnership Grant 2017-2024). BIT is co-directed by Dr. Carla Rice, Canada Research Chair in care, gender and relationships at the University of Guelph and Dr. Eliza Chandler in Critical Disability Studies at Ryerson University. In Peterborough, the project is producing short multimedia videos made by older and intergenerational community members including artists, healthcare providers, and aging and disability advocates who experience intersections of aging, disability and multiple differences, including Indigeneity, gender, race, sexuality and class. Nadine led the first workshop, Aging Vitalities, in April 2019. Eleven short films were created and directed by older women. These films were jury selected and screened at ReFrame Film Festival 2020 and the directors were featured at a panel on filmmaking in the community.
“These videos bring to light the agency and creativity of older and aging adults living with disability and importantly challenge negative representations that influence marginalization,” says Professor Changfoot. Reflecting on her past project that mobilizes new meanings of disability and difference, she adds, “Tangible impacts of arts-research creation include cultural recognition for marginalized groups. As well, audiences express the desire to improve accessibility, change healthcare encounters, and create community and belonging in meaningful ways.”
Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement (CFICE), Academic co-lead and co-Investigator. (SSHRCC Partnership Grant, 2012-2020). CFICE was led by Dr. Peter Andrée at Carleton University. This project developed a national community of engaged scholarship. In phase I, it carried out and evaluated community-based education projects in Peterborough, Haliburton, Ottawa, and Vancouver and advanced community-campus engagement nationally. Impacts of partnerships in Peterborough and Haliburton included: creating design plans with Stewart Street neighbourhood conveying neighbourhood preferences in bike lanes, lighting, sidewalks, street landscaping, and parks; seasonal events for Abbey Gardens and Haliburton Highlands Land Trust to raise awareness of environmental sustainability and develop critically informed environmental tourism; and seasonal support and improvements for Abbey Gardens Farmers Market Table, as well as building a relationship with local farmers; creating an immersive Community First research model for graduate students to work directly in the community upon which the John and Thea Patterson Abbey Gardens Graduate Research Assistantship is based. In Phase II, CFICE created tools, pathways, and networks to strengthen policy for, and networks of Community Engaged Scholarship at the institutional and national level. The national network Community Campus Engage Canada was created from CFICE in partnership with regional and national post-secondary institutions and community organizations.
CFICE Outputs of Interest
“Faculty Supporting Students in Community-Campus Engagement,” Faculty Webinar, Community First: Impacts of Community-Campus Engagement (CFICE), Carleton University, October 25, 2017. https://carleton.ca/communityfirst/2017/video-plain-language-webinar-recording-2/
“Radio Documentary: Partnering for Change: Impacts of CFICE (Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement),” created by Julie Bourassa, April 26, 2017. Nadine’s Interview at 5:00min https://carleton.ca/communityfirst/2017/radio-documentary-partnering-change/
Mobilizing New Meanings of Disability and Difference: Using Arts-Based Approaches to Advance Health Care Inclusion for Women with Disabilities, Co-Principal Investigator (CIHR funded, 2011-2014). Principal Investigator: Dr. Carla Rice, Canada Research Chair in gender and relationships, University of Guelph. Universities involved: Guelph, Laurentian, Trent. Peterborough Community Partner: YWCA Peterborough, Haliburton, Victoria. This project produced over 100 short 2-3 minute multimedia digital videos (digital stories) that express the lives of and were made by women living with disability and difference and healthcare providers. An experimental play “Small Acts of Saying” was also created from stories of women living with disabilities and difference. To read about this project and see some amazing films:https://revisioncentre.ca/projects/mobilizing-new-meanings-of-disability-and-difference
WBI (Women Building Inclusion) started following from the October 2012 Mobilizing New Meanings Digital Storytelling workshop in Peterborough. WBI disseminates knowledge from the Digital Storytelling Workshop which includes the impact of arts-based research. Mary Anne Ansley and Andrea Dodsworth animate WBI with Nadine. Joëlle Favreau of the YWCA Peterborough, Haliburton and Victoria inspired and supported the group to get started.
Left to right: Joëlle Favreau, Mary Anne Ansley, Andrea Dodsworth, Tamara Mann
Guest Edited Special Issues
Social Sciences Journal, Rethinking Artful Politics: Bodies of Difference Remaking Bodyworlds. Nadine Changfoot, Eliza Chandler, Carla Rice (Eds). 2023, 12, 206 pp. (12 articles) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/socsci/special_issues/Artful_Politics
Journal of Aging. 2022. Revisioning aging futures: Feminist, queer, crip and decolonial visions of a good old age. Rebecca Jones, Nadine Changfoot, Andrew King (Eds). 63: 52pp. (5 articles) https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-aging-studies/special-issue/10VBXSWQM9J
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Community Impacts of Engaged Research, Teaching and Practice. Peter Andrée, Nadine Changfoot, Charles Levkoe, and Karen Schwartz (Eds). 26(1), 2020: 45-287 (12 articles) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mjcsl/
Refereed Scholarly Publications
“Towards a Crip-Ethics: Explorations of Embodied and Embedded Digital Storytelling,” Nadine Changfoot, Carla Rice, Evadne Kelly, Luka Stojanovic. Disability Studies Quarterly, 2025.
"Graying Arts Access: Crafting Creative Online Programming to Promote Older Adults' Artistic Engagement In and Beyond Pandemic Time." Jami McFarland, Carla Rice, Nadine Changfoot, and research participants. Frontiers in Sociology 2024, 9:1454143, 16pp. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2024.1454143
“Introduction: Rethinking Artful Politics.” Nadine Changfoot, Eliza Chandler, Carla Rice, Social Sciences 2024, 13: 6pp. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13060304
“Re•Visioning Aging: Indigenous, Crip and Queer Renderings,” Nadine Changfoot, Carla Rice, Sally Chivers, Alice Olsen Williams, Angela Connors, Ann Barrett, Mary Gordon, Gisele Lalonde. Journal of Aging Studies, 2021, 63, 9pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaging.2021.100930
“Representing Disability, D/deaf, and Mad Artists and Art in Journalism: Identifying Ableist Fault Lines and Promising Crip Practices of Representation.”with Chelsea Jones and Kirsty Johnston. Studies in Social Justice 15(1) 2021: 307-333. https://doi.org/10.26522/ssj.v15i2.2433
“Introduction: Community Impacts of Engaged Research, Teaching and Practice.” Peter Andrée, Nadine Changfoot, Charles Levkoe. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 26(1) Winter 2020: 45-52. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.104
“Recognizing Engaged Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion: Autoethnographic Insights from the Faultlines of Shifting CCE.” Nadine Changfoot, Peter Andrée, Charles Levkoe, Michelle Nilson, Magdalene Goemans, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 26(1) Winter
2020: 239-264. Nadine led all aspects of this article. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.114
“Accounting for community impact: Thinking across the spaces and times of a seven-year, pan-Canadian, community-based research project.” David Peacock, Magdalene Goemans, Peter Andrée, Charles Levkoe, Nadine Changfoot, Isabelle Kim, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 26(1) Winter 2020: 175-196. Nadine contributed to the conception, a section to the article and edited the final draft. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/mjcsloa.3239521.0026.111
"Healthcare providers' experiences as arts-based research participants: "I created my story about disability and difference, now what?" Phyllis Montgomery, Sharolyn Mossey, Carla Rice, Eliza Chandler, Nadine Changfoot, Angela Underhill. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, (March 7 online) 51 (4), 2019. https://doi.org/10.1177/0844562119835130
“Learning to “Walk the Talk”: Reflexive Evaluation in Community-First Engaged Research,” co-authored by Magdalena Goemans, Charles Levkoe, Peter Andrée, Nadine Changfoot. Engaged Scholar Journal, 2018, Issue 807: 61-84. https://esj.usask.ca/index.php/esj/article/view/61748
“Difference Within and Without: Healthcare Providers' Engagement with Disability Arts,” co-authored by Katharine Viscardis, Carla Rice, Victoria Pileggi, Angela Underhill, Eliza Chandler, Nadine Changfoot, Phyllis Montgomery, Roxanne Mykitiuk. Qualitative Health Research, 29 (9), 2018: 1287-1298. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1049732318808252
“Participatory planning for active transportation in a low-income neighbourhood in Peterborough, Canada: building capacity and collaborative interactions for influence,” with Tessa Nasca and Stephen Hill. Community Development Journal (Open Access). Published online July 13, 2018: 1-21.
“Cultivating Disability Arts in Canada” with Eliza Chandler, Carla Rice, Andrea Lamarre and Roxanne Mykitiuk. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 2018, v. 40, n.3: 249-260.
“Making Spaces: Multimedia Storytelling as Reflexive, Creative Praxis,” with Carla Rice, Andrea Lamarre, Patty Douglas. Qualitative Research in Psychology. Published online (March 27, 2018)
Chapter 5 “Strengthening Our Activisms at the Intersections of the Personal, Professional, Disability, and Aging,” with Mary Anne Ansley and Andrea Dodsworth.Unsettling Activisms: Critical Interventions on Aging, Gender, and Social Change. Editors May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin, and Pat Evans. Toronto: Women’s Press Canada, 2018: 129-144.
“Imagining Disability Futurities,” with Carla Rice, Eliza Chandler, Jen Rinaldi, Kirsty Liddiard, Ingrid Mundel, and Roxanne Mykitiuk. Hypatia: Feminist Journal of Philosophy. v 32 no. 2 Spring 2017: 213-229.
“Chapter 2 Imagining Otherwise: The Ephemeral Spaces of Envisioning New Meanings.” with Carla Rice and Eliza Chandler. Mobilizing metaphor: Art, culture and disability activism in Canada. Eds. Christine Kelly & Michael Orsini. Vancouver: University British Columbia Press, 2016: 54-75.
“Why is Quebec Separatism Off the Agenda?: Reducing National Unity Crisis in the Neoliberal Era.” Lead co-author with Blair Cullen. Canadian Journal of Political Science/ Revue canadienne de science politique, v. 44, n. 4 December 2011: 769-787.
Nominated for the 2012 John McMenemy prize, the Canadian Political Science Association annual award for best scholarly article
“Transcendence in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex: Revisiting Masculinist Ontology.” Philosophy & Social Criticism. v. 35, n. 4 May 2009: 391-410.
“The Second Sex’s Continued Relevance for Equality and Difference Feminisms.” European Journal of Women’s Studies. v. 16, n.1 February 2009:11-31.
"Local Activism and Neoliberalism: Performing Neoliberal Citizenship as Resistance". Studies in Political Economy. 80, Autumn 2007: 129-148.
“Feminist Standpoint Theory, Hegel, and the Dialectical Self: Shifting Foundations,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, v. 30, 2004: 477-502.
“Hegel's Antigone: A Response to the Feminist Critique” The Owl of Minerva: Journal of the Hegel Society of America , v. 33, n. 2, Spring/Spring 2002, pp. 179-204. Featured article for this special issue on feminist critique of Hegel's thought.
"The Solidarity Deficit: The Rise of Neo-Liberalism in Canada and the National Unity Question," with Martin Morris. International Journal of Canadian Studies No. 14, Fall 1996: 137-154 (with M. Morris).
Refereed Arts Publications
“Agefying and Disrupting Time” (2020), devised by Nadine Changfoot with disability-identified collaborators Mary Anne Ansley and Andrea Dodsworth, with Mark Julson, composer/accompianist for the national virtual art exhibition for the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 32 (2) special issue Learning and Teaching: Artful Narratives of Transformation co-edited by Kathy Mantas (Nipissing University) and Carole Roy (St Francis Xavier University). https://cjsae.library.dal.ca/index.php/cjsae/article/view/5622/4594
This piece explores indifference and interrelationship among and between diverse bodyminds and abilities. Disrupting dominant understandings of disability as tragic and narrowly decline driven, the movement creates intimacy and new possibilities for understanding and enacting relationship with diverse abilities.
“Time Travel” poem in Gatherings 2 edited by Stephen Johnson and Jenn Cole. Peterborough/Nogoiwanong ON: Jackson’s Creek Press, 2019: 15-16. Gatherings 2 is a Chapbook series emerging from individual research through creative expression. Included are short works of poetry, prose, diagrammatic playfulness of any kind, or drawing, performance traces, painting, photography, digital manipulations, and other works of art.
“Phantom, stills & vibrations: An interview with Lara Kramer, Artistic Director Lara Kramer Danse (Montréal),” with Victoria Mohr-Blakeney. Dance Current: Canada’s National Dance Magazine, March 2018. http://www.thedancecurrent.com/column/phantom-stills-vibrations
Juried Selected Films
Time Travel, 2018 (5:25). Created and directed by Nadine Changfoot. Produced by Re•Vision: Centre for Art and Social Justice, University of Guelph.
-Screened at Au Contraire Film Festival, Montréal, QC, December 17, 2020. Solicited for review by Artistic Director, Philip Silverberg. https://www.acff.ca/
-Screened at ReFrame Film Festival, Peterborough, ON, January 24-27, 2019.
Film Synopsis: This film addresses memory and Nadine’s relationship with her father who lived with dementia (Alzheimer’s disease). The film intends to create space for meaningful discussion over grief and relationships involving persons living with dementia.
Created and Directed “Nadine Changfoot (2:27).” Produced by Project ReVision, REDLAB (Re-Visioning Differences Mobile Media Arts Lab), University of Guelph. https://vimeo.com/120832001
-Screened at Reel Kids: ReFrame Reel Kids, Peterborough, ON, January 18, 2017
-Screened at ReFrame International Film Festival, Peterborough, ON, January 23-25, 2015.
Film synopsis: This film recounts the confusing, self-hating, dislocating and disembodying experience of being racialized and othered from the outside as a little girl compared to a time when she felt belonging was a given. The film then moves to experiences of being seen, still today, through a racialized and othering gaze. She hopes that her film will encourage reflection on belonging and the Canadian gaze that can be reconstituted in ways more accepting, diverse, and inclusive.
Arts Publications
Nadine Changfoot. Curatorial and Exhibition Statements and Written Descriptions for Digital Art Catalogue for Phantom, stills & vibrations (performance, visual, and sound installation) by Lara Kramer (Oji-Cree), at Artspace artist-run centre, Peterborough/Nogojiwanong ON, February 26 – March 8, 2018. http://artintranslation.ca/larakramer/, published December 19, 2019
Nadine Changfoot and Lindsay Fisher. Digital Art Catalogue: Phantom, stills & vibrations (performance, visual, and sound installation) by Lara Kramer (Oji-Cree) at Artspace artist run centre, Peterborough, Nogojiwanong ON, February 26 – March 8, 2018. Published December 19, 2019.