
Anurani Persaud

Anurani PersaudPeterborough, Ontario
Ph.D., Watershed Ecosystems
Originally from Guyana, South America, Anurani Persaud moved to Canada 13 years ago and started her Ph.D. at Trent in 2003.

Why did you choose Trent?

I chose Trent University for my Ph.D. because it is renowned for its Watershed Ecosystems Program and Water Quality Centre.

How would you describe yourself? How would others describe you?   

I think others would describe me as an ambitious, diligent and hard worker.

My passions in life are: (a) my family and (b) my research.

What has your time at Trent meant to you?

My time at Trent has been important in helping me to develop my research and science skills. I have learned new analytical methods.  Last but not least, I have learned immensely from the close interaction with faculty members in the Watershed Ecosystems program.

What are some of your favourite memories?

My favourite memories are from the summer months that I spent doing field sampling and the friendships I have developed.

What will you take with you from Trent?

I will take from Trent a vast array of experiences and a strong sense of community.

What are your future plans and aspirations? What do you hope to accomplish?

I see myself teaching in a university setting and working to integrate more science into environmental laws and policies.

I hope to improve the extent to which scientific knowledge is used to develop and implement environmental laws and policies. I want to make a difference in the lives of both undergraduate and graduate students in the future.  I am looking forward to sharing my research experiences and connecting with students.

Where did you complete your undergrad/other graduate work?

Both my undergraduate degree and Masters were completed at York University.

Describe your graduate studies research? Which faculty members did you work with?

The focus of my research is food web interactions in freshwater lakes, with emphasis on the zooplankton community. I worked with Dr. Peter Dillon.