July | August | September | October | November l December l January l February | March | April | May | June |
- Chairs' Manual - Office of the Dean
- New Faculty Manual - Office of the Dean
- Important dates from the Undergraduate Academic Calendar
- Collective Agreements - Department of Human Resources
- VIP Instructions - Department of Human Resources
- CUPE Positions Open - Department of Human Resources
JULY 2024
Day | Activity |
1 | Collective Agreement Deadline to post list of possible courses requiring Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA) support |
26 | Classes end - S62 & S12 |
27-30 | Exam Period - S62 & S12 |
Day | Activity |
1 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course application submissions to Office of the Dean starts - fall and full year courses |
5 | CUPE: RFR Evaluation Results for members due to the member and Office of the Deans - S61 courses |
12 | Submission of 2024-2025 Fall and Full Year course syllabus |
28 | New Faculty Orientation 10:00am - 1:00pm. Location TBA. |
31 | TUFA: Applications for Tenure and concurrent promotion to Associate Professor due, submit to the respective Dean |
Day | Activity |
1 | CUPE: Deadline for Winter position postings to be posted on HR website |
1 | TUFA: Faculty's requests to be considered for promotion sent to Chair (no later than September 1), copy the respective Dean |
1-7 | Orientation Week |
2 | Trent Closed - Labour day |
5 | Classes begin |
6 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm Bata Library 411 |
6 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
10 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
12 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
13 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, room TBD |
16 | CUPE: RFR Evaluation Results for members due to the member and Office of the Deans - S12/S62 courses |
17 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
19 | CUPE: Teaching support requests to the Departmental Chair - Fall/FW allocation |
19 | Celebration of Excellence - Humanities and Social Sciences Awards Recognition |
19 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course application deadlines closes to the Office of the Dean- fall and full year courses. |
19 | Final date for students to notify the Registrar office of their wish to observe cultural/religious holidays during scheduled exams period |
24 | CUPE: Departmental summary of teaching support requests to the Office of the Dean - Fall/FW allocation |
30 | TUFA: Deadline for Faculty to submit Promotion files to their respective Dean |
Day | Activity |
1 | Sabbatical reports due for Full year (23/24) and Term 2 (January/24) sabbaticals. |
1 | Merit Award Applications due - applicant submits to the Chair of the Personnel Committee |
4 | TUFA: Faculty Annual Performance Reviews due by 4:00pm. Submit through the APR portal. |
4 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm Bata Library 411 |
4 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
5 - 6 | Ontario Universities Fair, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. |
8 |
Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
9 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
11 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
14 | Trent closed - Thanksgiving Holiday |
15 | TUFA: Sabbatical applications beginning July 1, 2025 due. Submit to the Dean's Office. |
15 | Merit Award Recommendation due - department personnel committee submits to their Dean/University Librarian |
15 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
18 | Last day of classes prior to reading week |
21-25 | Reading Week |
28 | Reading week ends - Classes resume |
31 | TUFA: Chair of the Tenure Committee deadline to submit recommendations for tenure and concurrent promotion files to the Dean's Office |
Day | Activity |
1 | Academic Plan due to the Office of the Dean |
1 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm Bata Library 411 |
1 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
5 | Final date for withdrawal from Fall-term courses |
7 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
8 | Open House Peterborough 10:00 - 2:00 |
15 | Submission of one year staffing plan to Office of the Dean of Arts & Science for 2025-26 |
16 | Open House Durham 11:00 - 2:00 |
19 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
22 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
26 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
30 | TUFA: Deadline for Faculty to submit Reappointment files to their respective Dean |
Day | Activity |
2 | Submission of 2025 Winter term half course syllabus |
2 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course application submissions to Office of the Dean starts - winter courses |
4 | Classes End for Fall semester |
6 | Exam Period Begins (Peterborough & Durham) |
13 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm ROOM TBA |
13 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
12 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
15 | TUFA: Chair of the Personnel Committee deadline to submit recommendations for promotion (other than those that occur concurrent with tenure) to the Dean's Office. |
19 | Exam period ends at 10:30 PM |
23 | University Closed - Winter Holiday |
Day | Activity |
2 | University Re-opens |
6 | Classes resume |
7 |
Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom - cancelled |
10 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
14 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
17 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00 – 12:00 ROOM TBA |
17 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00 LHS D212 |
20 | CUPE: Teaching support requests to the Departmental Chair - Winter allocation |
20 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course applications to the Office of the Dean closes - winter courses |
20 | Final date for students to notify the Registrar office of their wish to observe cultural/religious holidays during scheduled exams period |
23 | CUPE: Departmental summary of teaching support requests to the Office of the Dean - Winter allocation |
23 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
30 | TUFA: Faculty must indicate in writing to their Chair if they wish to teach spring-summer off-campus courses |
31 | TUFA: Department Committee's Recommendation for Re-appointment & Promotion due, submit to the Dean's Office. |
Day | Activity |
1 | Enrollment limitation requests for Summer 2025 due |
4 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
6 | Final date for withdrawal from full-year Fall/Winter session courses |
7 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
11 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
14 | CUPE: RFR Evaluation Results for members due to the member and Office of the Deans - Fall courses |
14 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00 – 12:00 ROOM TBA |
14 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00 LHS D212 |
14 | Last day of classes prior to reading week |
15 | TUFA: Faculty must indicate in writing to their Chair if they wish to teach fall/winter off campus courses. |
15 | Sabbatical applications due - Term 2, January 1, 2026 start date |
15 | 2025/26 Academic Calendar Copy due to office of the provost |
17 | University Closed - Family day |
17-21 | Reading Week |
20 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
24 | Classes resume |
Day | Activity |
1 | CUPE: Deadline for Summer position postings to be posted on HR website |
1 | Open House Durham 11:00 - 2:00 |
4 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
7 | Final date for withdrawal from Winter-term courses |
7 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
11 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
21 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm ROOM TBA |
21 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
14 | Open House Peterborough 10:00 - 2:00 |
15 | Enrollment limitation requests for 2025/26 Fall/Winter due |
20 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
31 | TUFA: Sabbatical reports due for Term 1 (July 1 - December 31, 2024) |
Day | Activity |
1 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
4 | Classes End for Winter term |
4 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
7 | Exam Period Begins (Peterborough and Durham) |
8 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
11 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm ROOM TBA |
11 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
15 | Submission of 2025 Summer syllabus S61 & S12 due |
15 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course application submissions to Office of the Deans opens - S12/S61 |
17 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
23 | Exam period ends at 10:30 PM |
29 | Senate Executive Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
Day | Activity |
1 | Classes begin S61 and S12 |
1 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course applications to the Office of the Dean closes - S12/S61 |
2 | Faculty Board Meeting, 1:00 - 3:00pm, ROOM TBA |
6 | Senate Meeting, 2:00 - 4:00pm, via Zoom |
7 | CUPE: Teaching support requests to the Departmental Chair - S61/S12 |
9 | CUPE: Departmental summary of teaching support requests to the Office of the Dean - S61/S12 |
9 | Decanal Advisory Council - Humanities and Social Sciences 10:00am – 12:00pm ROOM TBA |
9 | Decanal Advisory Council - Science 1:00 – 3:00pm LHS D212 |
15 | TUFA: Department 3-Year Sabbatical Plan Submissions due (2025/26, 2026/27,2027/28) to Office of the Dean |
15 | AAA Meeting, 9:00am ROOM TBA |
Day | Activity |
1 | CUPE: Deadline for Fall and Winter position postings to be posted on HR website |
2 | Submission of 2025 Summer syllabus S62 due |
2 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course application submissions to Office of the Deans opens - S62 |
11 | Classes end - S61 |
12-15 | Exam Period - S61 |
14 | CUPE: RFR Evaluation Results for members due to the member and Office of the Deans - Winter courses |
15 | Graduate office to notify undergraduate chairs/graduate directors of assigned Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA's) |
16 | Classes begin - S62 |
16 | Reading/Practicum/CBR course applications to the Office of the Dean closes - S62 |
20 | CUPE: Teaching support requests to the Departmental Chair - S62 |
24 | CUPE: Departmental summary of teaching support requests to the Office of the Dean - S62 |
JULY 2025