Sometimes, criminal activities occur because opportunities exist. You can help reduce this by keeping in mind the following safety tips:
- Never leave your office, residence room or car door unlocked, even for only a few minutes, or prop open doors that are intended to be locked. An open door can be an invitation of entry to unauthorized persons and can compromise the building’s fire safeguards.
- If someone without keys/keycard tries to follow you into a secured area, please ask them to wait outside for whoever they are visiting.
- Use our Walkhome and/or Work Alone Programs.
- If suspicious persons are observed, call Security immediately.
- Be wary of people asking for information regarding anything personal, for example for a survey. Ask for their contact information and credentials, and after checking their authenticity, you will call them back.
- Keep your car or building key ready in your hand so you can enter quickly if necessary.
- Familiarize yourself with the campus and note the location of all yellow help phones.
- If you are experiencing physical or sexual threats, harassment or abuse at home, in the workplace or in a social setting, help is available. Report the offence to campus security, student services, Residence Don, CRLC or work supervisor.
- Program the number for campus security into your phone – 705-748-1333