Please visit the Academic Timetable to see which courses are presently being offered and in which location(s). Not all courses listed below run every term or in all locations. For specific details about program requirements and degree regulations, please refer to the Academic Calendar.
PHYS-1000H: Foundations of Physics
- Peterborough
A traditional introduction to mechanics for students without high school physics experience. Designed for students seeking to strengthen their physics background in preparation for PHYS 1001H, or those who do not currently intend to pursue further studies in physics. Topics include kinematics (description of motion) and dynamics (causes of motion/forces/Newton's laws) in one and two dimensions. Concepts are extended to rotational motion, work and energy, momentum, and conservation laws. Time is taken to develop related mathematical skills. Not open to students enrolled in or with credit for PHYS 1001H or 1002H. Not for credit toward a major or minor in Physics.
PHYS-1001H: Introductory Physics 1
- Peterborough
An introduction to university-level mechanics for scientists, leading to the further study in physics via PHYS 1002H. Topics include kinematics (description of motion) and dynamics (causes of motion/forces/Newton's laws) in one and two dimensions. Concepts are extended to rotational dynamics, work and energy, momentum, and conservation laws. Prerequisite: 3U Physics or equivalent, or PHYS 1000H and 4U Advanced Functions or equivalent, or permission of the department. Strongly recommended: 4U Physics and 4U Calculus and Vectors. MATH 1110H, required for upper-level Physics courses, recommended to be taken concurrently with PHYS 1001H. Not open to students with credit for PHYS-FRSC 1020H.
PHYS-1002H: Introductory Physics 2
- Peterborough
Topics include electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetism, optics, and quantum physics. Prerequisite: PHYS 1001H or 1020H or permission of the department. MATH 1120H, required for upper-level Physics courses, recommended to be taken concurrently with PHYS 1002H.
PHYS-1060H: Physics for the Life Sciences
- Peterborough
An exploration of basic biophysical concepts for students in the life sciences. Physical concepts such as force, pressure, buoyancy, mass transport, and temperature are explored through life regimes at various size scales. Time is taken to develop related mathematical skills. Not for credit toward a major or minor in Physics.
Cross-listed: BIOL-1060H
PHYS-1510H: Introductory Astronomy 1
- Peterborough
A general science course accessible to all students. Topics include sky phenomena, the history of astronomy, telescopes and detectors, and an exploration of the Solar System. Not for credit toward a major or minor in Physics.
PHYS-1520H: Introductory Astronomy 2
- Peterborough
A general science course accessible to all students. Topics include stars, their properties, structure, and evolution, white dwarfs, novae and supernovae, neutron stars, black holes, galaxies, and cosmology. Prerequisite: PHYS 1510H. Not for credit toward a major or minor in Physics.
PHYS-2093H: Electricity and Motion for Future Teachers
- Peterborough
An experiential learning course designed for future elementary school teachers. Topics include simple circuits and circuit elements, static electricity, forces, pulleys, levers, and gears. Emphasis is placed on student learning through collaborative experiments and construction of conceptual models. Registration preference is given to students in education programs, but students in other programs are also welcome. Can be taken either before or after PHYS-EDUC 2091H. Does not satisfy the science requirement for a science degree. Not open to students enrolled in or with credit for PHYS 1001H, 1002H, 1020H, 1060H, or 2090Y, except by permission of the instructor.
Cross-listed: EDUC-2093H
PHYS-2130H: Introductory Classical Dynamics
- Peterborough
Analytical and computational methods for obtaining the motion of simple physical systems. Includes motion in one dimension, projectile motion, realistic motion of objects with drag and spin, oscillatory motion, chaos in the nonlinear pendulum. Students use a mix of analytical calculus-based methods and scientific computing tools to solve problems. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in PHYS 1001H and MATH 1120H. Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 2150H. Strongly recommended: COIS 1020H. Not open to students with credit for PHYS-COIS 2310H or PHYS-MATH 3130H.
Cross-listed: MATH-2130H
PHYS-2150H: Ordinary Differential Equations
- Peterborough
First order equations; qualitative and numerical methods. Second order linear equations. Linear systems. Applications to physical and biological models. Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in MATH 1120H. Recommended: MATH 1350H.
Cross-listed: MATH-2150H
PHYS-2250H: Electronics
- Peterborough
An applied course in the electronic circuits most commonly used in laboratory sciences. Circuit theory, test instruments, operational amplifiers, semiconductor theory, measurement sensors, power control, digital circuits, computer process-control and data collection, AC circuit theory, filters, DC power supplies, RC timing circuits, amplifiers, oscillators. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in PHYS 1002H and in MATH 1120H, or permission of the department.
Cross-listed: COIS-2250H
PHYS-2605H: Introduction to Quantum Computing
- Peterborough
An introduction to quantum computing at a beginner's level. Topics include review of classical computers and introduction to quantum computers, vector spaces, qubits, superposition (using photon and electron spin), quantum gates, quantum circuits, quantum algorithms. In addition, the course offers hands-on experience of working with quantum computers. Prerequisite: PHYS 1002H and MATH 1350H, or PHYS 1001H and MATH 2350H. Recommended: MATH 1550H.
PHYS-2610H: Introductory Quantum Physics
- Peterborough
Particle-like aspects of radiation and wave-like properties of matter. Schrdinger equation and applications to one-dimensional systems. One-electron atoms, magnetic dipole moments, spin, identical particles and atomic structure. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in PHYS 1002H and a pass in MATH 2110H and PHYS-MATH 2150H.
PHYS-2700H: Thermal Physics
- Peterborough
The laws of thermodynamics and their applications, thermodynamic potentials, kinetic theory of gases, introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisite: MATH 2110H. Co-requisite: PHYS 2610H.
PHYS-3130H: Classical Mechanics
- Peterborough
Classical mechanics of particles in three dimensions. Topics include motion in non-inertial reference frames, gravity, central forces, and special relativity. Prerequisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H). Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 2110H and 2150H.
Cross-listed: MATH-3130H
PHYS-3150H: Partial Differential Equations
- Peterborough
The transport equation, heat equation, wave equation, Laplace equation, Poisson equation, in one, two, and three dimensions, in Cartesian, Polar, and/or Spherical coordinates. Physical interpretations. Properties of harmonic functions. Fourier theory: uniform, pointwise, and L2 convergence. Initial/boundary value problems: existence and uniqueness of solutions. Solutions to I/BVPs using orthogonal eigenfunction expansions. Solutions to I/BVPs using convolutional transforms. Prerequisite: MATH 2110H and 2150H. Strongly recommended: MATH 1350H.
Cross-listed: MATH-3150H
PHYS-3200Y: Electricity and Magnetism
- Peterborough
Electrostatics, magnetostatics, electric and magnetic properties of matter, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave propagation. Prerequisite: 60% or higher in PHYS 1002H or permission of the department; PHYS-MATH 2150H, MATH 2110H, and 2120H.
Cross-listed: COIS-3200Y
PHYS-3510H: Astrobiology: Life in the Universe
- Peterborough
An examination of the prospects for extraterrestrial life, based primarily on material from astronomy, biology, and planetary science. Topics include the origin and evolution of life on Earth, extremophiles, the habitability of Mars and Jovian moons, the nature and habitability of exoplanets, SETI, the Drake equation, and the Fermi paradox. Prerequisite: 5.0 university credits including at least one of BIOL 1020H, BIOL 1030H, BIOM 1000H, PHYS 1510H, or PHYS 1520H. Not for credit toward a major or minor in Physics.
Cross-listed: BIOL-3510H
PHYS-3610H: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- Peterborough
An introduction to the foundations of quantum mechanics. Topics include the postulates of quantum mechanics, Hilbert spaces, Dirac notation, one dimensional problems, matrix representations of quantum mechanics, unitary transformations. Prerequisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H or 2620H), PHYS-MATH 2150H, and PHYS 2610H. Recommended: MATH 2350H.
PHYS-4000Y: Project Course
- Peterborough
An experimental or theoretical project on some topic of advanced physics. Projects are selected in consultation with Physics & Astronomy faculty. Students must obtain approval for the project. Contact the department office for an application form. A cumulative average of at least 77% in all PHYS and MATH credits will normally be required. Students may take only one of PHYS 4000Y or 4010H for credit.
PHYS-4140H: Advanced Classical Mechanics
- Peterborough
Classical mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, and continuous media. Topics include Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, systems of particles, motion of rigid bodies, and oscillating systems. Prerequisite: MATH 2110H, 2150H, and PHYS-MATH 3130H.
Cross-listed: MATH-4140H
PHYS-4220H: Electromagnetic Theory
- Peterborough
Maxwell's equations, the interactions of electromagnetic fields with matter, the relativistic formulation of electromagnetism and its applications. Prerequisite: PHYS-COIS 3200Y and PHYS-MATH 3150H.
PHYS-4240H: Modern Optics
- Peterborough
Properties of light: polarization, interference, coherence, and diffraction. Interaction of light with matter: Einstein coefficients and quantum-mechanical treatment of matter. Laser operation and applications: absorption, gain, and saturation; three and four-level laser systems; longitudinal and transverse modes; specific laser systems. Concepts in modern quantum optics. Pre- or co-requisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H or 2620H), PHYS 2610H, PHYS-COIS 3200Y, and PHYS-MATH 3150H.
PHYS-4310H: Condensed Matter Physics
- Peterborough
Crystallography, crystal binding, lattice vibrations and thermal properties of solids, band theory, electron transport, semiconductors, magnetism. Prerequisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H or 2620H), PHYS 2610H, and 2700H. Pre- or co-requisite: PHYS-COIS 3200Y and PHYS-MATH 3150H.
PHYS-4520H: Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmology
- Peterborough
An introduction to modern astrophysics, which applies the principles of physics to the study of galaxies and cosmology. Topics include the Milky Way galaxy, the nature of galaxies, galaxy evolution, the structure of the universe, active galactic nuclei and quasars, cosmology, and the early universe. Prerequisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H or 2620H) and PHYS 2610H. Strongly recommended: PHYS 1510H and 1520H.
PHYS-4610H: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Peterborough
Advanced topics in quantum mechanics. Spherically symmetric potentials, theory of angular momentum, perturbation theory, selected special topics. Prerequisite: PHYS 3610H and MATH 3150H. Recommended: MATH 2350H.
PHYS-4700H: Statistical and Thermal Physics
- Peterborough
The statistical meaning of entropy and temperature; microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles; derivation of distributions for distinguishable and indistinguishable particles and applications. Additional topics may include advanced methods in classical statistical mechanics, an introduction to phase transitions, and cryogenics. Prerequisite: PHYS-MATH 2130H (or PHYS 2110H or 2620H), PHYS 2610H, PHYS 2700H, and MATH 2110H. Pre- or co-requisite: PHYS-MATH 3150H.
PHYS-4901H: Reading Course
- Peterborough
Courses designed to allow advanced students in Physics to pursue independent study under the direction of departmental faculty. These courses will be available only in exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the department.