- Consent form needs to contain Trent University logo.
- Consent form needs to use the first person (“I”, “me”, “my”…) or second person (“you”, “your”, …) perspective consistently when referring to the participant.*
The Consent Form or Statement will normally include:
- Title of Research.
- Names and contact information of researchers involved. If the applicant is a graduate student the supervisor’s name and contact information should also be given.
- A brief outline, in language comprehensible to the average person with a grade nine education, of the purpose, methods and expected benefits of the research.
- A statement of the nature and duration of the participant's involvement (i.e., what they will be doing, and for how long).
- A statement of any potential conflicts of interest the researchers might have.
- Information on how data from the research will be used (e.g., submission as a publication, thesis, report, educational film, etc.)
- A statement outlining any potential commercialization of the research findings.
- A statement making clear that participation in the research is voluntary, that participants do not have to answer questions that they do not want to, and that participants may discontinue participation in the research at any time.
- A statement making clear the level of confidentiality to which the researchers are committed.
- A statement of how data will be stored and when it will destroyed.
- A statement describing the means of recording data including observers, note-takers, tape recorders, video cameras, etc.
- A statement of risks to participants, if any. If risks are minimal, a statement should make this clear
- A statement that participants are fully informed and freely give their consent to participate in the research.
- A statement that the participant has received a copy of the consent form for their records.
- A statement that the participant understands that the project has been approved by the Trent Research Ethics Board.
- Signature of participant and date.
- Please put the contact information for Anna Kisiala, Coordinator, Research Conduct and Reporting (annakisiala@trentu.ca) on the form as a 3rd party for information (questions or concerns that the participants don’t wish to share with the researchers).
Additional Notes to Applicants:
Copies of applications, including consent forms are recorded and retained on file in the Office of Research for future reference. Ongoing projects are required to complete and submit annually, applications for Ethical Update Approval. The Research Ethics Board retains the right to suspend any research projects where there is sufficient evidence to indicate that the project is in violation of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. Applicants/researchers may appeal to the Research Ethics Appeals Board which is a Senate recognized committee. Please add a running footer to your consent form, with the date of Trent REB approval & consent revision number (e.g., 01-Jan-15, Version2)