
Completed Student Theses at the Oliver Ecological Centre

Ph.D. Theses Completed

Gouin, Todd. 2006. Air-surface exchange of PBDEs and PCBs: Evidence for an “early spring pulse” and long-range transport.

Sager, Eric: 2003.The interactive effects of three global stressors on the growth morphology and chemistry of Acer saccharum and Pinus strobus seedlings.

Burke, Dawn: 1998.The relationship between forest fragmentation, food abundance, nest site habitat, and reproductive success of forest breeding birds:A study in the PeterboroughrRegion of Ontario.

Master Theses Completed

Charbonneau, Michelle. 2006. Pesticide immunotoxicity and Chrytridiomycosis in larval Rana catesbeiana and Ranviral disease in Rana sylvatica tadpoles in central Ontario.

Duffus, Amanda Linda Jean. 2006. Field monitoring, transmission and influences of immunosuppression in Ranaviral infections in native North American amphibian species.

Reeves, Ian. 2006. The role of Cytokinins (CK) and Abscisic Acid (ABA ) in regulation of stomata within a mature Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) forest canopy.

Richmond, Sonya. 2006. The effects of matrix land-use on avian and insect communities in forest fragments.

Grant, Rebecca.2005.Characterization of the morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of foliage in the upper canopy of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) under ambient stress conditions.

Greer, Amy. 2004. The epizootiology of six amphibian mortality events in south central Ontario, Canada, 1999-2002.

Ireland, David. 2004.Demographic connectivity and sex-biased dispersal in Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana).

Taillon, Dan. 2004.Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) egg and larval production and survival on rehabilitated spawning sites in Pigeon Lake, Ontario.

Bell-Allen, Rhonda. 2002. An examination of the Milfoil Weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) within Eurasian watermilfoil beds in Pigeon Lake, Canada.

Bridges, Lisa . 2002. Spatial scale and environmental structure: habitat selection of the Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis ) in Central Ontario .

Gouin, Todd. 2002.Long-range transport of organic contaminants: The role of air-surface exchange.

McMaster, Denise. 2002.Measurements of ground level air pollution in centralOntario by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

Phillips, Judith. 2002. Matrix land-use and the nesting density and breeding success of three species of forest-nesting birds.

Undergraduate Theses Completed

Farrow, Scott. April 2004 .Differential effects ofABA and cytokinin on stomatal conductance and transpirationamong seedling, sapling, and mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum).Biology with Neil Emery

Held, Mark. April, 2003.The relationship between cytokinins and height class in mature Acer saccharum canopies.Biology with Neil Emery.

Dauncy, Sarah. April, 2002. Factors affecting habitat use in non-breeding Northern Saw-whet Owls. Biology with Erica Nol.

Reeves, Ian. April, 2002. Distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in a northeastern temperate forest. Biology with Neil Emery

Taillon, Dan. April 2001. The effects of residential development on littoral zone fish communities. Environmental and Resource Studies Program with Michael Fox.

Bell, Rhonda. April, 2000.Spatial and temporal movement of the Aquatic Weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) within the Kawartha Lakes : A potential biological control for Eurasian watermilfoil. Environmental Resource Studies with M. Fox and T. Whillans.

McLeod, Brenna, April 2000.The influence of temperature on growth and behaviour of the adult green frog (Rana clamitans) and the pre-metamorph wood frog (Rana sylvatica) in ephemeral ponds. Biology with Michael Berrill.

Newman, Daniel, April, 2000. Island microhabitats in a riverine wetland near Nogies Creek , Ontario : the role of logs for species and community diversity. Biology with Michael Berrill.


Puckrin, E., Travers, D.L., and Evans, W.F.J. 2006. Comparison of ozone concentrations at surface and in the lower troposphere. Environmetrics 17:157-165.

Sager, E.P.S. and Hutchinson, T.C. 2006. The interactive effects of UV-B, nitrogen fertilization, and springtime warming on the secondary chemistry of sugar maple seedlings growing on soils of contrasting acidity. Tree Physiology 26:1351-1361.

Bowman, J., Holloway, G.L., Malcolm, J.R., Middel, K.R., and Wilson, P.J. 2005. Northern range boundary dynamics of southern flying squirrels: evidence of an energetic bottleneck. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:1486 - 1494.

Gouin, T., Harner, T., Blanchard, P., and Mackay, D. 2005. Passive and active samplers as complementary methods for investigating persistant organic pollutants in the Great Lakes basin. Environmental Science and Technology 39:9115 - 9122.

Gouin, T., Harner, T., Daly, G.L., Wania, F., Mackay, D., and Jones, K.C. 2005.Variability of concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in air:implications for monitoring, modelling, and control. Atmospheric Environment 39:151-166.

Gouin, T., Bocking, S., and Mackay, D. 2005. Policy by analogy: Precautionary principle, science, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 5:54-67.

Greer, A., Berrill, M., andWilson , P.J. 2005.Five amphibian mortality events associated with ranavirus infection in south central Ontario , Canada .Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67:9-14.

Held, M.A., Quesnelle, P.E., and Emery, R.J.N. 2005.Seasonal changes of cytokinins in leaves of upper and lower canopy layers in a mature Acer saccharum stand.Biologia Plantarum 455-458.

Phillips, J., Nol, E., Burke, D.M., and Dunford, W. 2005.Impacts of housing developments on wood thrush nesting success in hardwood forest fragments.Condor 97-106.

Sager, E.P.S, Croley, T.R.,  and Hutchinson, T.C. 2005. Foliar phenolics in Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) as a potential indicator of tropospheric ozone pollution. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 105:419-430.

Sager, E.P.S., and Hutchinson, T.C. 2005. The effects of UV-B, nitrogen fertilization, and springtime warming on sugar maple seedlings and the soil chemistry of two central Ontario forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:2532-2446.

Evans, W.F.J., Ferguson, C.R., and Puckrin, E. 2004. Radiative forcing by tropospheric ozone. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85:347.

Gouin, T., Mackay, D., Jones, K.C.,Harner, T., and Meijer, S.N. 2004.Evidence for the “grasshopper” effect and fractionation during long-range atmospheric transport of organic contaminants. Environmental Pollution 128:139-148.

Puckrin, E., Evans, W.F.J., Li, J. and Lavoie, H. 2004. Comparison of clear-sky surface radiative fluxes simulated with radiative transfer models. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 30:903-912.

Puckrin, E. and Evans, W.F.J. 2004. Comparison of solar variability effects with the surface radiative forcing of CO2. Advances in Space Research 33:1073-1076.

Taillon, D., and Fox, M.G.. 2004. The influence of residential and cottage development on littoral zone fish communities in a mesotrophic Ontario lake. Env. Biol. Fish. 71:275-285.

Watmough , S.A. ,Hutchinson , T.C. and Dillon, P. 2004.Lead dynamics in the forest floor and mineral soil in south-central ON.Biogeochemistry 71(1):43-68.

Watmough, S. A., Hutchinson, T.C. 2004.The quantification and distribution of pollution Pb at a woodland in rural south central Ontario , Canada .Environmental Pollution, 128:419-428.

Cousins, I.T., and Gouin, T. 2003.Vegetation-air exchange facilitates the long-range transport of some SVOCs.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 17:241-243.

Gouin, T., and Harner, T. 2003.Modelling the environmental fate of the polybrominated diphenyl ethers.Environment International 29:717-724.

Ireland, D., Osborne, N., and  Berrill, M. 2003. Marking medium to large-sized anurans with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. Herpetological. Review 34: 218-220.

Watmough , S.A. , Hutchinson, T.C. 2003.Uptake of 207Pb and 111Cd through bark in mature Sugar Maple, White Ash and White Pine: A field experiment.Environmental Pollution, 121:39-48.

Dunford, W, Burke, D.M., and Nol, E. 2002.Assessing edge avoidance and area sensitivity of Red-eyed Vireos in southcentralOntario .Wilson Bulletin 114(1):79-86.

Gouin, T., Thomas, G.O., Cousins,I. , Barber, J., Mackay, D., and Jones, K.C. 2002.Air-surface exchange of polybrominated biphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls.Environmental Science and Technology 36:1426-1434.

Jobes, A.P. 2002.Influence of age, sex, and weather on the timing of fall migration in northern saw-whet owls in centralOntario .Ontario Bird Banding 33:38-50.

Watmough , S.A. 2002.A Dendrochemical Survey of Sugar Maple (Acer Saccharum Marsh) inSouth-Central ON , Canada .Water, Air and Soil Pollution.136:165-187.

Burke, D.M. and  Nol, E.  2001. Age ratios and return rates of adult male Ovenbirds in contguous and fragmented forests. Journal of Field Ornithology 72:433-438.

Evans, W.F.J., and Puckrin, E. 2001. Global warming potentials modified for surface radiative forcing for use in surface energy balance models. Atmospheric Science Letters 2:81-85.

Evans, W.F.J., and Puckrin, E. 2001. The surface radiative forcing of nitric acid for northern mid-latitudes. Atmospheric Environment 35:71-77.

Burke, D.M. and Nol, E.  2000 Landscape and fragment size effects on reproductive success of forest breeding birds. Ecological Applications 10:1749-1761

Gouin, T., Mackay, D., Webster, E., Wania, F. 2000.Screening chemicals for persistence in the environment.Environmental Science and Technology 34: 881-884.

Evans, W.F.J., and Puckrin, E. 1999. Combined measurements of thermal emission and solar absorption of atmospheric carbon monoxide. Atmospheric Environment 33:2081-2088.

Evans, W.F.J., and Puckrin, E. 1999. Remote sensing measurements of tropospheric ozone by ground-based thermal emission spectroscopy. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 56:311-318.

Burke, D.M. and Nol, E. 1998. Influence of food abundance, nest-site habitat, and forest fragmentation on breeding Ovenbirds. Auk 115:96-104.

Burke, D.M. and Nol, E. 1998. Edge and fragment size effects on the vegetation of deciduous forests in Ontario, Canada. Natural Areas Journal 18:45-53.