The 4-year collaborative program leading to an Honours degree in Nursing (BScN) consists of 20 credits, with at least 12 credits NURS credits.
Collaborative Program Course Map
The Collaborative Program Course Map provides an easy-to-follow guide of the program requirements, broken down by semester. Download the course map as an easy quick reference guide and checklist to ensure you understand and meet your degree requirements. The Academic Calendar is the official document of the University and should also be reviewed to ensure you understand all of the requirements of your program and policies of the institution.
» Download the collaborative program course map
The program must include:
Year 1
- 2.5 NURS credits consisting of NURS 1000H, 1001H, 1002H, 1020H, and 1550H
- 1.5 credits consisting of BIOL 1050H and 1051H, and PSYC 1020H or 1030H
- 1.0 credit elective at the 1000-level or beyond
Students will be introduced to the profession of nursing through courses addressing health at the individual level, healthy aging, and the basic concepts in professional practice. This initial exploration of nursing is supported by science courses relevant to nursing and electives of the student’s choice. Students will be encouraged to develop a focus in an area of interest and to pursue electives within that focus.
Year 2
- 3.5 NURS credits consisting of NURS 2000H, 2001H, 2003H, 2020H, 2021H, 2031H, and 2550H
- 0.5 credit in PSYC 1020H or PSYC 1030H
- 1.0 credit elective at the 1000-level or beyond
Students will focus on community health, developing specific knowledge regarding the impact of illness on families and of communities at large, and on the further development of knowledge in sciences relevant to the practice of nursing. Continued development of a specific area of focus will be encouraged.
Year 3
- 3.5 NURS credits consisting of NURS 3000H, 3001H, 3004H, 3020H, 3021H, 3031H, and 3550H
- 0.5 credit consisting of one of NURS 3560H, PHIL 2390H, PSYC 3560H, PSYC 3750H, OR SOCI-GESO 2430H
- 1.0 credit elective at the 2000-level or beyond
Students will focus on various aspects of illness, both acute and chronic. Nursing courses and practice address concepts of illness, the psychophysiology underlying disease conditions, and related nursing and healthcare interventions. Continued development of a specific area of focus will be encouraged.
Year 4
- 1.5 NURS credits consisting of NURS 4020C
- 1.5 NURS credits consisting of one of NURS 4021C
- 0.5 NURS credit from one of Advanced Topics Group 1*
- 0.5 NURS credit from one of Advanced Topics Group 2*
- 1.0 credit elective at the 3000-level or beyond
Students will focus extensively on integrating knowledge and skills to become novice professionals. Clinical practice settings are chosen in consultation with the student to allow exploration of areas of interest where possible, subject to the student meeting established requirements. Nursing and other electives further the development of specific areas of focus related to clinical practice choices.
*Advanced Topics
All students are required to take at least 0.5 credit from each of the advanced topics groupings listed below:
- Advanced Topic Group 1: NURS 4011H/4012H, 4100H, 4102H, 4103H, 4104H, 4105H, 4106H, 4108H, NURS–ERSC/ERSC–INDG 4740Y
- Advanced Topic Group 2: NURS 4011H/4012H, 4201H, 4203H, 4204H, 4205H, 4207H, NURS-GESO 4208H, NURS–ERSC/ERST–INDG 4740Y
Please consult the academic timetable for information on courses that will be offered and when they will be scheduled for a given academic year.
Accelerated Collaborative Program Option - Complete your BScN in 36 Months!
Collaborative students have the opportunity to complete their program two semesters early by taking courses in the summer, following the Accelerated Collaborative Program Map. Download the course map as an easy quick reference guide and checklist to ensure you understand and meet your degree requirements. The Academic Calendar is the official document of the University and should also be reviewed to ensure you understand all of the requirements of your program and policies of the institution.
» Download the accelerated collaborative program course map
Indigenous Course Requirement (ICR)
All undergraduate students beginning studies at Trent in the Fall 2018 term or thereafter must complete at least 0.5 credit from the Approved Indigenous Course List as part of their university degree requirements. Individual courses that meet this requirement are designated by the (ICR) after the title of the course. The Approved Indigenous Course List can be found in the Academic Calendar and here: