Trent Fortnightly Online


by Joe Muldoon
Research Officer

Important deadlines
Edith Addyman Award, April 30; Aid to Occasional Research Conferences, May 1; Canadian International Development Agency Tier 2, May 22; Killam Research Fellowship, May 31

On local government
The Edith Addyman Endowment Fund supports research into contemporary local government issues in Peterborough city and county. The competition is open to faculty, students and staff at Trent. Deadline is April 30.

Three-year instead of yearly funding
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (sshrc) has decided to give three-year instead of one-year funding to universities to spend on modest (under-$5,000) research projects.

      Trent will receive $51,195 to fund projects from 1999 to 2001.

      The institutional grant, formerly known as the general research grant and disbursed by an internal committee, is calculated on a $50-per-capita amount for each sshrc eligible faculty member, plus a percentage of the external research grants over the last three years (23 per cent of the first $100,000 awarded; 20 per cent of the next $400,000 awarded; and 14 per cent of the remainder).

      Meanwhile, the internal sshrc committee on research has announced winners of the spring competition for $28,600 to fund 1998-99 projects (details here).

For details, contact the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Otonabee College 101, at 748-1245 or consult the Web site

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Last updated: April 16, 1998