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Trent Fortnightly Online

University divvies up $58,800 for 22 small research projects

Twenty-two Trent researchers will share $58,800 to carry out modest projects next year.

The internal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (sshrc) committee on research has awarded $28,600 to 11 researchers in the spring competition for institutional grant money.

And Trent's natural sciences research committee has awarded $30,200 to 11 projects in its spring competition for funds. (Trent funds the latter since the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council cancelled its institutional support program.)

$28,600 for SSHRC projects
Al Brunger (Geography), Geographical Impacts of Development in 19th-Century Peterborough County, $2,500

Deborah Brock (Women's Studies), The Political Economy of Prostitution: A Comparative Analysis of Cuba and Canada, $2,000

Jim Conley (Sociology), Protest Cycles and Political Opportunities in Ontario, 1992-1997, $2,000

Teresa Healy (Political Studies), Through the Bonds of Structure: Gender and Post-Coloniality in Counter-Hegemonic Struggle, $2,000

Mark Neufeld (Political Studies), Globalization and/Against Democratization: Conceptualization and Critique, $2,000

Sharon Hepburn (Anthropology), "Welcome the Tourists, Our Gods": Multiple Perspectives on a Government Campaign to Promote a Tourist Destination, $3,000

Andreas Pickel (Political Studies), Systematic Change by Design: Sources of Success and Failure in Post-Communist Transformation, $2,000

James Struthers (Canadian Studies), Gender, Aging, and the Family: Home Care for the Elderly within Post-World War II Ontario, $4,000

Michael Treadwell (English), Booksellers, Stationers, Printers and Journalists in the New Dictionary of National Biography, 1641-1779, $3,200

Yves Thomas (Modern Languages and Literature, French) and Franklin Garcia-Sanchez (MLL, Spanish), Surrealism and Magic Realism in Mexico from 1942 to 1950, $2,900

Shirley Williams (Native Studies), Revival of the Ojibwe/Odawa Dialects: Research on the Development of Grammatical Structures and Syntax, $3,000

$30,200 for science projects
Kenzu Abdella (Mathematics), Coupling of a Second Order Boundary Layer Model with the Canadian Land Surface Scheme, $2,600

Michael Berrill (Biology), Comparative Development Rates and Mortality of Amphibian Eggs Under Natural and Lab-Induced Diurnally Oscillating Temperatures, $3,000

Michael Bidochka (Biology), Population Genetics of the Human Opportunistic Fungus, Aspergillus Fumigatus: Clonal Divergence Between Clinical and Environmental Isolates, $4,000

Jim Buttle (Geography), Water and Solute Transport Via Artificial Soil Macropores, $2,000

Graham Cogley (Geography), Persistent Ice Cover on Colour Lake, Axel Heiberg Island, $2,600

Michael Fox (Environmental and Resource Studies/Biology), Effect of Temperature on Life History Traits of Fish, $2,000

Holger Hintelmann (Chemistry/ ERS), Metal Speciation Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry, $4,000

Peter Lafleur (Geography) and Dave Lasenby (Biology), Predicting End-of-Winter Oxygen Profiles in Ice-Covered Temperate Zone Lakes, $2,000

Chris Metcalfe (ERS), Development of an In-Vivo Fish Assay for Environmental Antiandrogens, $2,500

Cheryl McKenna Neuman (Geography), Streamwise Boundary Layer Adjustment Over Rough Erodible Surfaces, $2,500

Al Slavin (Physics), Novel Modifications to a Quartz Crystal, $2,000

Alicja Zobel (Chemistry), Concentration of Trace Elements and Chronic Diseases, $1,000

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