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Environmental Sciences
Source: Jones, R., M.G. Fox and J. S. Marsh. 2002. Draft- The Stewardship Plan for Trent University Nature Areas. Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
Compiled by Lara Newman with additions by Roger Jones.
Bertram, Susan Margaret. 1993. “Is Mating Random? Testing Theoretical Predictions of Sexual Selection on a Natural Population of Grey Treefrogs (Hyla versicolour).” M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Brigham, Deneen. 1991. “Acoustic Variation in Gray Treefrogs, Hyla Versicolor in a Northern Population.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Docteur, Cindy. 1996. “Factors Influencing the Timing of Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, Autumn Migration.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Kasperski, J. 1998. A Histological Examination of the Effects of Atrazine on the American Toad (Bufo americanus). Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, TrentUniversity .
Kolohon, M. 1992. “Timing and Size at Metamorphosis of Rana clamitans and Rana Pipiens: Chaos or Pattern?” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Kullick, S. 1999. “Environmental Temperature Fluctuations and Growth and Development in Two Anurans, the American Toad (Bufo americanus) and the Green Frog (Rana clamitans).” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
McGillivary, Lisa. 1992. “Is Snout-Vent Length Related to Age and Sex? Aging Rana Pipiens by Skeletochronology.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, TrentUniversity .
Ness , K. 1998. “Histological Examination of the Teratogenicity of Cadmium Chloride on rana clamitans (The Green Frog.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department,Trent University .
Piercy, J. 1998. “Anuran Development Rates and Success at a Wide Range of Temperatures.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Richter, Christoph. 1992. “The Influence of Light and Temperature on the Activity of Tadpoles in Autumn and Winter.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, TrentUniversity .
Smith, M. Alex. 1999. “Estimating Photolyase Activity for Seven Amphibian Species from South-Central Ontario .” M.Sc. Thesis, Watershed Ecosystems Program, Biology Department, Trent University .
Burke, Dawn. 199? “Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Bird Population in Southern Ontario .” Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Burke, D. and E. Nol. In press. “Landscape and Fragment Size Effects on Reproductive Success of Forest Breeding Birds. In: Ecology Applications.
Burke, D. and E. Nol. 1998. “Edge and Fragment Size Effects on Vegetation of Eastern Deciduous Forests in Ontario . In: Natural Areas Journal, 18: 45-53.
Burke, D. and E. Nol. 1998. “Influence of Food Abundance, Nest-site Habitat, and Forest Fragmentation on Breeding Ovenbirds. In: Auk, 115: 96-104.
Davey, Eric. 1995. “Biogeographical Analysis of Bird Species within Trent University Nature Areas.” Course: Biology 350A, Trent University , Peterborough .
Anderson, Paula. 1993. “Forest Succession and Diversity in the Wildlife Sanctuary Nassau Campus, Trent University .” Environmental and Resource Science, Management of Forest Ecosystems (320) Course. Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario .
Beckett, Arlene. 1993. “Forest Succession and Tree Invasion in the Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary: 1967/1975/1993.” Course: GOES 497B, Trent University .
Brown, Stacey. 1995. “A Late Fall Study of Epilithic Algal Establishment in Thompson’s Creek.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Canvin, Rob, et al. 1991. “ Forest Succession and Diversity of the Promise Rock Coniferous Woods.” Management of Forest Ecosystems (ES 320) Course, TrentUniversity , Peterborough .
Collins, Leslie. 1998. “The Physiological Ecology of Rhamnus spp.” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Douglas, Hume. 1999. Effect of flooding on two species of buckthorn. Honours B.Sc. thesis. Department of Biology, Trent University .
Johnson (Maxwell), Christine D., and A.G. Thomas. 1978. “Recruitment and Survival of Seedlings of a Perennial Hieracium Species in a Patchy Environment.” In: Canadian Journal of Botany, Vol. 56 (6): 572-580.
Kay, Rebecca. 1995. Forest Succession and Overlays of Attribute Data for the Trent University Nature Areas. Trent University , Peterborough .
Keller, Linette and Michael J. Bidochka. 1998. Habitat and temporal differences among soil micro-fungal assemblages in Ontario . Can. J. Bot. 76: 1798-1805.
Lynch, E. 1986. Is Persistence in Fall Fruits Advangtageous? Honours B. Sc. Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
McCarron, J. 1999. Effects of Shade on Seedling Growth and Over-Winter Survivorship of Rhamnus cathartica. Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Department of Environmental & Resource
Tolland, Lynne. 1992. “An Investigation of the Spatial Variability of Throughfall Under Two Species of Coniferous Trees.” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Geography, Trent University .
Trent University Nature Areas: Plants Collected to August 1993.
Trent University Nature Areas: Plant Species Master List.
Environmental Sciences
Buttle, J.M. 1989. “Soil Moisture and Groundwater Responses to Snowmelt on a Drumlin Sideslope.” Journal of Hydrology, 105: 335-355.
Buttle, J.M. and F. Xu. 1988. “Snowmelt Runoff in Suburban Environments.” Nordic Hydrology. (19): 19-40.
Colterman, Lisa. (n.d.) “A Basemap of the Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary with a Special Emphasis on Ground Cover with Respect to Slope. Course: GOES 497B.Trent University , Peterborough .
Gillespie, J.E. and Acton , C.J. 1981. Soils of Peterborough County . Ontario Institute of Pedology. Publication 81-1.
Hetherton, Karen. 1991. “Hepatic Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Introduction in Rainbow Trout (nchorynchus mykiss) by PCBs: A Caging Experiment in the OtonabeeRiver .” B. Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Lutz, Patti. 1991. “Zinc in Soil and Earthworms near Electrical Transmission Towers .” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Mathewson, Stanley. 1972. “Snow Distribution, Melt and Run Off Characteristics of an Inter-Drumlin Swale.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geography, TrentUniversity .
Rowe, Locke. 1986. “Inter and Intra-Specific Variation in the Physiological Response of the Mayflies Stenonema femoratum and Leptophlebia cupida to Short Term Exposures at Low pH.” M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Taylor , C.H. 1982. The effect on storm runoff response of seasonal variations in contributing zones in small watersheds. Nordic Hydrol., 13:165-182.
Van Bussel, Elisabeth M. 1988. “The Effect of Temperature on the Toxicity of Permethrin to Aquatic Insects.” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, TrentUniversity .
Adam, Robert and Kirsten Cowie. 1994. “Distribution Records for Insects on the Drumlin (Nature Area #6).” Course: BI 350a. Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario .
Arsenault, Michael Robert. 1981. “Male Competition and Reproductive Behaviour of the Crayfish Orconectes rusticus During Springtime.” M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Chenoweth, Brian Burgess. 1979. “Competition Between the Crayfish Orconectes rusticus and Orconectes propinquus: A Comparative Analysis of Life History Factors and Sheltering Behaviour.” M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Dolan, M. 1994. “The Effect of Two Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides (Allethrin and Fenvalerate) on Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) Exoskeletal Muscle Contraction.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Feir, Ian. 1997. “Quantifying the Effects of Siltation on Three Stream Invertebrate Insect Orders (Ephemerotera, plecoptera, and trichoptera).” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Hamr, Premysl. 1983. “The Life Histories of the Crayfishes Cambarus robustus and Cambarus bartoni in Southern Ontario .” M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Biology, TrentUniversity .
Hoogendorn, J. R. 1995. “Vertical Migration of the Amphipod, Gammarus pseudolimnaeus, in response to low oxyen concentrations. Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
White, Suzanne. 1993. “The Effect of Snow Cover on the Soil Temperature Profile and its Impacts on the Vertical Distribution and Survival Rates of Two Species of Earthworms, Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia rosea.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Jardine, N. 1994. “Seasonal Changes in Behavioural Thermoregulation for the Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis).” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
OMNR 2000. Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. Fish & Wildlife Branch – Wildlife Section. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 151 pp.
Rose , C.A. Alwyn. 1993. “An Examination of Somatic Growth in Rainbow Trout (Uncoryhnchus mikiss) Reared at Temperatures Approaching Upper Lethal Limits, Using Otolith Back Calculations.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Sloklosar, Scott A. 1994. “Do Fractional Spawning Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Exhibit Spawning Checks on Their Otoliths?” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, Trent University .
Tiley, Mark. 1992. “A Comparison of Some Life-History Traits Between Two Pond Populations of Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas).” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Biology, Trent University .
Vergara, Valerie. 1996. “Comparison of Parental Roles in Male and Female Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Southern Ontario , Canada .” M.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department,Trent
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Dibb, Gordon. 1988. “Recent Archaeological Investigations Along the Margins of Lake Katchewanooka and Select Sections of Smith and Duoro Townships and the City of Peterborough .” York North Archaeological Services.
Jamieson, Ross. 1989. “ Nassau Campus. A Preliminary Documentary Survey of Historical Archaeological Potential.” Department of Anthropology, Trent University .
Jamieson, Susan M. 2002. Culture Histories of the Symons Campus, Trent University . Appendix G in: Jones, Roger, Michael G. Fox, and John S. Marsh. 2002. The Stewardship Plan for Trent University Nature Areas. Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario .
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Pammett, H.T. 1934. The emigration from Ireland to Upper Canada under Peter Robinson in 1825 including the founding of the City of Peterborough and the settlement of the surrounding townships. M.A. Thesis, History, Queen’s University, Kingston .
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Adams , W.P., J.R. Glew, K.C. Outerbridge, and N.A. Strickland. 1982. “Evolution of Snow Cover at Pasture and Bush Sites.” In: Ecology Bulletin, Vol. 6, 1. Biology Department, Trent University . Reprinted In: The Monograph, Vol. 33 (1):6-12.
Adams, P. 1972. “An Opinion Survey of Trent University’s Bird Sanctuary and Hiking Trail Area.” Report for Geography 334, Trent University , Peterborough .
Alderdice, John. 1993. Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary: An Analysis of Trail Users and Demands.” Unpublished paper, Department of Geography, Trent University .
Andree, Peter. 1990. “Ecological Forest Management Proposal for the Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary.” Management of Forest Ecosystems (ES 320) Course, Trent University , Peterborough .
Andree, Peter, Nick Beeson, Evan Jennings, and Jay Cherian. 1990. “ Trent University Nature Interpretation Centre (TUNIC): Remodelling Proposal for the Holmes Property, Trent University .” The Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary Committee.
Ashley, Susan. 1978. “An Interpretive Planning Approach for the Small Natural Area- the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary.”
Bakan, J. 1990. Board to Consider Plan to Protect Nature Areas. Arthur, 24 (23), March 27.
Beaubiah, Tom. 1995. “Environmental Impact of the Proposed Development Area Near Lock 22 on the West Side of the Otonabee River .” Course work: ERS 221a, TrentUniversity .
Beckett, A. 1993. Course Project for Geographical Information Systems Course (ESGO 498B), Environmental and Resource Science and Geography Department, TrentUniversity .
Ben-Oliel, Rosita. 1989. “Nature Areas on the Nassau Campus, Trent University : An Initial Report.” Peterborough : Trent University .
Ben-Oliel, Rosita, Roger Jones, and John Marsh. 1989. “Summary: Nature Areas and their use on the Nassau Campus, Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario .”
Ben-Oliel, Rosita, Roger Jones, and John Marsh. 1989. “Nature Areas and their use on the Nassau Campus, Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario – Executive Summary.”
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, 1992. Natural Break – Leaders Handbook. BTCV, Wallingford , Oxon , UK .
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, 1996. Generic Risk Assessments. BTCV, Wallingford , Oxon , UK .
Brown, Lorraine , 1994. The Trent-Severn Waterway – An Environmental Exploration. Friends of the Trent-Severn Waterway, Peterborough , Ontario .
Brown, Neil R. 1978. Wildlife Potential and Objectives of Management of Fauna in the Trent Wildlife Sanctuary: A Preliminary Report to the Wildlife Sanctuary Committee, October 1978.
Campbell, Heidi. 1997. “Preliminary Research for the Trent Nature Areas Stewardship Plan.”
Cassimiri, Julie. 1999. “Trent University Nature Areas Trail Guide: Originals.”
Clark, Dave. 1997. “Condition of Promise Rock, Lady Eaton Drumlin and Wildlife Sanctuary Trails and the Work Required.” Trent University Nature Areas Committee.
Clarke, Cailin R. 1999. “A Method for Natural Heritage Areas Interpretive Planning Applied to the Trent University Nature Areas, Ontario .” MA Thesis: Canadian Heritage and Development Studies, Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario
Clarke, Cailin R. 1999. “Market Analysis of the Trent University Nature Areas for Interpretive Planning.” Trent University & The Frost Centre for Canadian Heritage and Development Studies.
Clarke, Cailin R. 1999. “Literature References.” In: A Method for Natural Heritage Areas Interpretive Planning Applied to the Trent University Nature Areas, Ontario .” M.A. Thesis, Canadian Heritage and Development Studies, Trent University
Clarke, Cailin R. 1999. “Inventory of Cultural and Natural Features: Trent University Nature Areas.”
Clarke, Cailin R. 1999. Development of a Conservation Work Vacation: Trent University Nature Areas, Peterborough , Ontario . For: Trent University Nature Areas Committee, Federation of Ontario Naturalists. 49pp.
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Davidson, B. and Strobl, S. (Eds). 199 . Management Options for Old-Field Sites in Southern Ontario . Guidelines and Literature Review. Tech. Rept. TR-009. Southern Region Sciences and Technology Transfer Unit, OMNR, Brockville . 78 pp.
Davies, P.J. 2000. Addressing Conflicts in Wildland Recreation Areas Open to the Public Free of Charge. (One case study is Trent University Nature Areas). Research Paper in Forest Conservation, Final Report MFC. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto , Toronto . 60pp
Dickerson, Amy. 2001. Land for sale: future of Trent ’s nature areas. Arthur, 36(10), November 12.
Dueck, Cathy. 1998. “ Trent University Grounds Management Plan: Symons Campus, Draft.”
Edwards, R. 1964. The Development of a Field Station at Trent University . A Report to President Thomas Symons. Trent University Archives.
Flores, Regina . 1998. “Environmental Management on Canadian Campuses: Towards a ‘Greening Trent Campus’ Master Plan.” Honours B.A. Thesis, Department of Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University , Peterborough .
Franklin, R., J. Greig, R. LaFreiere, and G. Smith. 1993. “ Peterborough Natural Areas Study, Part 1: Natural Areas Inventory.” Peterborough Natural Areas Study Staff.
Franklin, R., J. Greig, R. LaFreiere, and G. Smith. 1993. “ Peterborough Natural Areas Study, Part 2: Waterways and Natural Corridors.” Peterborough Natural Areas Study Staff. Funnekotter, Saskia. 1994. “Feeding of the Detritivorous Amphipod Cammarus pseudolimnaeus.” Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Biology Department, TrentUniversity .
Gowanlock, Karen. 1997. “Science and Nature Niche: All ‘Fore!’ Golf in Trent ’s Beloved Wildlife Sanctuary?” In: Arthur, March 19, 1997 , p. 18.
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Hamilton , G.F. 1989. “On the Development of the Nassau Campus.” Report to Trent University .
Hardman, Katherine. 1991. “The Potential Use of Trent University’s Wildlife Sanctuary for Outdoor Education. Honours B.A. Thesis: Geography Department, TrentUniversity ,
Harschwitz, B. 1990. “ Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary Study.” Management of Forest Ecosystems (ES 320) Course. Trent University , Peterborough .
Hay, Mark. 1994. “Determination of Nature Areas and Farmer’s Field Boundaries on Nassau Campus, Trent University – A GIS Proposal.” Trent University ,Peterborough .
Helleiner, Frederick M. 1984. “ Canadian University Campuses as Urban Open Space.” Paper Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Malaspina College , Nanaimo , British Columbia .
Hughes, Michael. 1990. “ Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary Management Plan.” Management of Forest Ecosystems (ES 320) Course. Trent University , Peterborough .
Jacobs, K. 1977. “Cross-Country Ski Activity at Trent University ’s Wilderness Sanctuary.” Report for Geography 334, Trent University , Peterborough .
Jobes, Andrew. 1998. “Management Concerns for the Trent Nature Areas.”
Johnston , M.E. 1987. “The Evolution of Snow Cover: Comparison of an Open and Forested Site.” B.Sc. Honours Thesis, Department of Geography, Trent University ,Peterborough .
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Jones, R. 1995. Report to Senate and Board of Governors – Trent University TNAs Committee 1994-1995. 19 pp.
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Jones, Roger. 1998. “Report of the International Conservation ‘Working Holiday,’ July 31 to August 9, 1998 Held at Trent University and Recommendations for Future International Conservation Working Holidays at Trent University .” Nature Areas Committee.
Jones, Roger. 1999. Report of the Second Conservation “Working Holiday ” August 21 to August 29, 1999 . Nature Areas Committee.
Jones, Roger. 2001. Report of the Third Conservation “Working Holiday” held at Trent University , August 19 to August 20, 2000 . Nature Areas Committee.
Jones, Roger and Magdalena Burgess. 1984. “Zinc Cadmium in Soils and Plants Near Electrical Transmission (Hydro) Towers.” In: Environ. Scl. Technology, Vol. 18: 10.
Jones, Roger, Michael Fox, and John Marsh. 1996. “Preliminary Suggestions and Ideas to Aid with the Development of a Stewardship Plan for Trent University Nature Areas.”
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Jones, Roger and John Marsh. 1996. “Suggestions for Project for the Capital Campaign: A Trent University Nature and Environmental Interpretation Centre.” TrentUniversity Nature Areas Committee.
Jones, Roger and John Marsh. 1996. “Suggestions for Projects for the Capital Campaign: Replacement of Boardwalks in Wildlife Sanctuary.” Trent University Nature Areas Committee.
Keller, Linette. 1997. “Potential Projects on Symons Campus Lands and their Implications for the Trent University Nature Areas.” Trent University Nature Areas Committee.
Keller, Linette. 1997. “Chapter 3: Policy Overseeing Activities Conducted in the Trent Nature Areas.”
Kivari, D. and C. Shillinglaw. 1995. “Student Project: Database for Trent University Nature Areas Management.” Department of Geography, Trent University .
Leaver, Patrick, H. Maile, J. Phair, M. Pineau, and P. Tyrell. 1977. “ Trent University Wildlife Sanctuary Guide.” Volume 1, August 1977.
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Lindberg, J. 1994. Trent Nature Areas #1, Visitor Study, Summer 194. Department of Geography, Trent University , Peterborough , Ontario . 70 pp.
Lindberg, Jeff. 1994. “Parks and Protected Areas: Their Management and Use.”
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Lutz, Patti. 1990. “ Wildlife Sanctuary Forest Management Assignment.” Management of Forest Ecosystems (ES 320) Course. Trent University , Peterborough .
MacMahon, Christopher. 1992. “A Land-Use Designation for Peterborough ’s Natural Areas.” Honours Thesis: Geography Department. Trent University , Peterborough ,Ontario .
Marsh, John. 1999. “ Trent University Nature Areas Committee Meeting: Discussion of a Trent-Peterborough Field Naturalists Partnership.” January 21, 1999
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McLean, Patrick. 1998. “A Brief History of the Community of Nassau, Ontario, with special emphasis on the impact of the development of Trent University .” Internal City Structure (GO 373B) Course. Trent University , Peterborough .
McLean, P. 1999. The Fate of Nassau Mills Ontario : An Analysis of Community Development and Change. Honours B.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geography, TrentUniversity .
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Ruttan, P.C. 2000. Selected Environmental Impacts of Mountain Biking: A Study of Trent University Nature Areas and Silent Lake Provincial Park . B.Sc. Hons. thesis. Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Trent University ,Peterborough , Ontario .
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