There are many resources and opportunities available for current students. All are welcome.
The Math Resource Room (located in ENW 338) is often bustling with students. It's a central meeting place for many of our math students. This room houses a small collection of textbooks and a number of computers with mathematical and statistical software, such as Maple and RStudio, for students to use. Tutors are also available throughout the Fall/Winter semesters to help students with their math courses. The current tutoring schedule will be posted in September.
There is also the math club (SUMS) run by the department's undergraduate students. SUMS organizes activities throughout the year and encourages interested students to join.
There are also part-time employment opportunities for students such as marking, tutoring and working under the work-study program. For more information, please visit here or inquire at Most of the department's employment offerings become available in late August and early September of every year. There are also volunteer opportunities to help with the department's outreach endeavours, university-wide open house or SUMS.
Students with questions can visit the department office (located in SC 327) or faculty office hours. Faculty office hours are on a first-come-first-serve basis; that is, no appointments are necessary. Office hour schedules are posted on each faculty member's office door.
The department encourages students to get involved and start up a conversation with fellow peers, graduate students and faculty members.