Please view 'Required' or 'Elective' course options below by selecting their title, or use the search bar to view the available courses in the Academic Timetable.
Required Core Courses
The ability to communicate one’s ideas effectively is an essential ingredient in any successful career. For this reason, the program places a particular emphasis on the development of communication skills, both oral and written. In addition to the Graduate Seminar courses (MTSC 6000H and 6100H), students will have other opportunities to gain experience in oral communication such as being teaching assistants for undergraduate courses and presenting their work at conferences. Furthermore, for the thesis students, the quality of the oral presentation at the thesis defence will be assessed. The quality and clarity of writing will be assessed in the evaluation of the thesis and the research report.
Elective Courses
In consultation with your research supervisor, students will successfully complete two electives. The courses available vary from year to year based on faculty availability and student demand. Courses may include topics in Solid State Theory, Computational Physics, Silicon Chemistry, Biomaterials as well as special topics in materials science. Students are also permitted to take one upper level undergraduate course as one of their elective courses by mutual agreement of their supervisor and the program director.