The general regulations and requirements of Trent University for graduate degrees apply to the Ph.D. in Materials Science. The normal requirement for admission is an average of at least B+ (77%, GPA 3.3). The Graduate Programs Selection Committee will begin the selection process in the weeks following the application submission date of February 1. Applications received after this date will be accepted and considered for funding until all available positions/ spaces are filled. Students are normally admitted into the program once a year for studies beginning in the following September. Entrance to the program in January or May of any calendar year is considered on a case by case basis.
Ph.D. Program Requirements
Applicants to the Ph.D. program will normally have an M.Sc. degree in an applicable discipline. The suitability of the applicant’s background will be assessed on a case by case basis. The formal requirements for the Ph.D. degreein Materials Science are the following:
- Each student must complete at least two one-term courses at the graduate level with at least a 70% final grade in each course.
- Students must meet with their supervisory committee within the first six months of registration and subsequently at least once every twelve months. The committee consists of the student’s supervisor and at least two other faculty members in the program; each supervisory committee must include at least one faculty member from each institution.
- Each student must successfully complete an oral qualifying examination, normally at the beginning of their second year of study. This exam includes a written research proposal of approximately 10 pages describing the research to be undertaken, related previous literature and the primary techniques used in the research. The student will present their proposal to their supervising committee.
- An acceptable thesis on a research topic must be submitted. Detailed specifications of the format of the thesis are available from the Graduate Studies Office. Acceptance of the thesis requires the approval of an Examining Committee following an oral defence of the thesis. The Examining Committee for a Trent student normally consists of at least three faculty members: an external examiner, one supervisory committee member from UOIT, and the supervisor.
Transferring from the M.Sc. Program to the Ph.D. Program
Materials Science M.Sc. students may transfer directly to the Ph.D. program after completing one academic year and their first progress report in the M.Sc. program if the following conditions are met:
- Completion of at least three courses in the master’s program with at least an A- average
- Strong evidence of research ability as identified by the supervisory committee
For students who transfer, the minimum number of courses taken during their graduate work in the two programs must be six one-term courses. Details on the transfer process are available from the program office.