Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) a mandatory requirement for all applicants, or is there a possibility of waiving this requirement for individuals with a relevant academic background?
We do not have a GRE requirement
Given that I hold a master's degree from an English-speaking institution, I am curious to know if there is a possibility of waiving the TOEFL/IELTS requirement for me.
Please check with the School of Graduate Studies
Is it essential for applicants to initiate contact with potential supervisors as part of the application process, or is this optional and not required?
Yes. We will not accept you without a supervisor in place
Does the program offer full funding opportunities for PhD students?
Trent's School of Graduate Studies offers funding to full-time students in the form of Graduate Teaching Assistantships and bursaries
As an international student, I would like to know if I am eligible to apply for consideration for full funding
International students pay international student fees. Our top International Applicants will receive International Graduate Scholarships, which mean they would only pay domestic fees.