Trent in Ghana (Full-Year and Fall-Semester Options)
Global Development Studies (GDST) at Trent offers a unique study abroad program that combines third year level university course work with valuable hands-on experience through a community placement.
The Trent-in-Ghana Program (TIG) enables undergraduates to deepen their understanding of international development by living, studying and working in Ghana. The program is based in Cape Coast in the South and Tamale, in the North. Exposure to these various locations enables students to become familiar with the diverse cultures and regions of Ghana.
Students spend either a semester (Sept. to Dec.) or a full academic year (Sept. to April) in Ghana. Full-year participants complete a twelve-week placement with a local organization in the Winter term. Participants register in the equivalent of 3.0 (semester option) and 5.0 (full-year) courses which are fully accredited at Universities across Canada. Ghanaian academics and development professionals provide instruction. TIG also selects a number of Ghanaian students to join the program.
Many students who have participated in the GDST year abroad program have found it to be a positive and life-transforming experience. Working and living in another culture challenges many of one's assumptions, and opens new avenues of thinking and understanding (Link to Student Reflections).
To learn more about the Trent-in-Ghana Program download the brochure.