In 2015, the Seasoned Spoon, Trent's student-run cafe cooperative, has been refurbished and renewed. The Dalglish Family Foundation generously invested in this iconic space.
“Ron Thom’s work at Trent is a remarkable expression of mid-century modern design. We are pleased to help the university restore and showcase some of this Canadian legacy, and to encourage others to do the same,” says Geordie Dalglish of the foundation.
Alumnus and craftsman Rob Tuckerman ‘73 was engaged to research, refurbish, construct and source new and existing couches, tables, hassocks, chairs and light fixtures for the Seasoned Spoon, based on original drawings by Thom and his team. Innovative café table tops, featuring illustrations of original college designs and drawings, were showcased at May's Doors Open event. Mr. Tuckerman is also working on website content that will help bring the Ron Thom legacy alive for a new generation of students, faculty and staff.