New TSE Climate Station Established
After months of planning and preparation, the new Trent School of Environment Climate Station started data collection on November 15th at 1:30 pm. The station is located on the Trent Farm property along Pioneer Road and shares the site with a new Environment Canada Climate Reference Station. The new TSE station will take over the duties of long-term weather data collection when the current station (located next to the Stanley Adamson dam on the peninsula between the Otonabee River and the Trent Severn Canal) will be decommissioned. The retiring station has served that function for more than 40 years. The new station will collect basic temperature, precipitation and wind information, along with air pressure, soil temperatures, snow depth and solar radiation. These data will be archived and made available to the public through the internet.
The TSE would like to acknowledge the generous donation from DM Wills Associates of Peterborough, which funded a large portion of the new equipment for the climate station
More information is at
Please direct any questions about the new station to Craig Murray (