Eyitayo Aloh
The Humour Code: Orality and The Canadian Immigrant Population
John Bessai
Re-examining Canada's contribution to the World Revolution of 1968: A World-Systems Approach and implications for understanding the Occupy movement of 2011
Holly Brant
The Function of Ethical Space in Indigenizing the health care system
Amanda Graham
The history of research in Canada's north, particularly in the Yukon
Amber Johnson
The Keeping Place: Reconciliation through Commemoration: The Memorialization of Residential Schools in Canada
Helen Knibb
The cultural, ecological and socio-economic history of wool sheep and the British shepherding tradition in Eastern Canada, colonization to WW II, and its relevance to mixed-farming, managed grazing systems, and sustainable rural economies, today.
Peggy Shaughnessy
Aboriginal Overrepresentation in Canadian Justice System: an examination of the interpretation and use of the 1999 Gladue decision
MA thesis-based
Melissa Baldwin
Local Spaces of Creative Resistance: Considering Spoken Word in Peterborough, ON
Natalie Gingerich
Sex, Booze, and Back Rooms: Women's Illegal Economic Survival Strategies in Nineteenth-Century Canada
Angela Knowlton
Children of the Dangerous Classes: A Comparative Study of the Indian Residential School and Home Children Communities in Ontario in the Early Twentieth Century
Madeline Macnab
Gendering Understandings of 'Integration': Women and Difference in the Work of the Peterborough Newcomers Language and Orientation Committee, 1979-1997
Abigail Myerscough
Independent or Dependent? Older Women's Embodiment of Aging in Rural Spaces
Yasmin Strautins
Representations of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canadian Art