Expanding your horizons in and beyond the academy
The Frost Centre is proud to be part of Traill College and we believe that the community here provides our students with multiple opportunities to enrich their lives intellectually and socially. Some of the events and opportunities are listed below.
Writers Reading
In the Fall, the English Department with the support of Traill College hosts “Writers’ Reading,” a dynamic event that sees some of Canada’s best authors read from their works on a weekly basis.
Symons Seminar Series for Graduate Research
The first Wednesday of every month, Traill College hosts the Symons Seminar Series for Graduate Research. This long- running, student-led symposium sees graduate students in the humanities and the science present their research and try to find connections between the disciplines.
3 Minute Thesis Competition
The Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) presents Masters and Ph.D. students with the ultimate challenge: to explain their complex and highly specialized research and ideas to a general audience in just three minutes, using only one Power Point slide. 3MT® was begun at the University of Queensland in 2008 as part of an effort to encourage graduate students to develop their skills in communicating their research. It has spread to universities throughout the world with students participating in a wide range of university, regional, and international competitions.
Traill Visiting Fellow
Every year, the College sponsors a Traill Visiting Fellow who lives in college, participates in student life and offers public lectures. The Traill Fellow is designed to support Traill's graduate populations.
Salon Seminars & Distinguished Lecture Series
The Cultural Studies programs host both the annual John Fekete Distinguished Lecture Series, and the Salon Seminars which invite distinguished visitors to the university to share their most recent or forthcoming publications that are influential and important in the field of cultural inquiry.
Continuing Education
Traill College is home to Trent University’s Continuing Education Program that offers adult education courses to the larger Peterborough community at reasonable prices. Courses offered may be of interest, but there are also instructional opportunities. Traill is always looking for instructors and invite you to submit proposals for courses in a field of study or a topic that you excel in (i.e. music, art, language instruction, etc.). Trent University graduate students are offered first consideration, but we welcome all experienced members of the community to make proposals.
Please e-mail traill@trentu.ca with 1) a course proposal; and 2) a C.V. detailing past teaching experience.