Morin, E. 2012. Reassessing Paleolithic Subsistence. The Neandertal and Modern Human Foragers of Saint-Césaire, France. Cambridge University Press, 358 p.
Morin, E., Meier, J., El Guennouni, K., Moigne, A.-M., Lebreton, L., Rusch, L., Valensi, P., Conolly, J. and Cochard, D. 2019. New evidence of broader diets for archaic Homo populations in the northwestern Mediterranean. Science Advances 5, eaav9106.
Morin, E. 2019. Revue de “Préhistoire Béringienne. Étude archéologique des Grottes du Poisson-Bleu (Yukon)” par Lauriane Bourgeon. Archéologiques 32:123–124.
Morin, E., Beauval, C., Boileau, A., Ready, E., and Laroulandie, V. 2019. The Number of Distinct Elements: Extending a landmark-based counting unit to other taxa. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 24:773–784.
Ready, E. and Morin, E. 2019. Preliminary analysis of faunal remains from three Middle Paleolithic deposits in Charente, France. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 24:390–301.
Rendu, W. and Morin. E. 2018. Les comportements de subsistance au Paléolithique moyen dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. In: La Préhistoire de la France, edited by F. Djindjian. Hermann, Paris, pp. 132–135.
Morin, E. and Soulier, M.-C. 2017. The Paleolithic faunal remains from Crvena Stijena. In: Crvena Stijena in Cultural and Ecological Context. Multidisciplinary Archaeological Research in Montenegro, edited by R. Whallon, National Museum of Montenegro Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 266–294.
Whallon, R. and Morin, E. 2017. Eleven years of research at Crvena Stijena: Synthesis of the results. In: Crvena Stijena in Cultural and Ecological Context. Multidisciplinary Archaeological Research in Montenegro, edited by R. Whallon, National Museum of Montenegro Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, pp. 450–455.
Morin, E. 2017. Préface. In Environnement et subsistance au Pléistocène supérieur au Luxembourg et dans l’est de la France (author: M. Fabre), Series “Archéologiques,” Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxemburg, p. 7.
Morin, E., Ready, E., Boileau, A., Beauval, C., and Coumont, M.-P. 2017. Problems of identification and quantification in archaeozoological analysis, part I: Insights from a blind test. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24:886–937.
Morin, E., Ready, E., Boileau, A., Beauval, C., and Coumont, M.-P. 2017. Problems of identification and quantification in archaeozoological analysis, part II: Presentation of an alternative counting method. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24:938–973.
Morin, E., Speth, J.D., and Lee-Thorp, J. 2017. Middle Palaeolithic diets: A critical examination of the evidence. In Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet, edited by J. Lee-Thorp and M.A. Katzenberg, pp. 1–33.
Morin, E. and Soulier, M.-C. 2017. New criteria for the archaeological identification of bone grease processing, American Antiquity 82:96–122.
Soulier, M.-C. and Morin, E. 2016. Cutmark data and their implications for the planning depth of Late Pleistocene societies, Journal of Human Evolution 97:37–57.
Morin, E., Delagnes, A., Armand, D., Castel, J.-C. and Hodgkins, J. 2014. Centennial- to millennial-scale change in archaeofaunas and their implications for Mousterian lithic variability in southwest France. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36:158–180.
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Discamps, E., Soulier, M.-C., Bachellerie, F., Bordes, J.-G., Castel, J.-C., and Morin, E. 2014. Des faunes et des hommes: interactions entre environnements et cultures à la fin du Paléolithique moyen et au début du Paléolithique supérieur dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. In: Exploitation des ressources organiques à la fin du Paléolithique moyen et au début du Paléolithique supérieur: interactions entre environnement et comportements techniques, edited by C. Thiébaut, S. Costamagno and E. Claud. Mémoires de la Société Préhistorique de France, Paris, pp. 299–314.
Nascou, A., and Morin, E. 2014. Arctic wolf and spotted hyena gnawing damage on an experimental faunal assemblage. Journal of Taphonomy 12:1–36.
Morin, E. and Ready, E. 2013. Foraging goals and transport decisions in Western Europe during the Paleolithic and early Holocene. In: Zooarchaeology and modern human origins: Human hunting behavior during the later Pleistocene, edited by J. L. Clark and J. D. Speth. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 227–269.
Cochard, D., Brugal, J.-P., Morin, E., and Meignen, L. 2012. Evidence for small fast game exploitation in the Middle Paleolithic of Les Canalettes, Aveyron, France. Quaternary International 264:32–51.
Morin, E. and Laroulandie, V. 2012. Presumed symbolic use of diurnal raptors by Neandertals. PLoS ONE 7:1–5
Morin, E. 2010. Taphonomic implications of the use of bone as fuel. Palethnologie 2:209–217.
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Morin, E. 2008. Evidence for declines in human population densities during the early Upper Paleolithic in Western Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 105:48-53.
Morin, E. 2007. Fat composition, skeletal part selection, and Nunamiut decision-making. Journal of Archaeological Science 34:69–82.
Morin, E. 2006. Beyond stratigraphic noise: Unraveling the evolution of stratified assemblages in bioturbated sites. Geoarchaeology 21:541–565.
Morin, E. 2006. Résumé de thèse—Late Pleistocene population interaction in Western Europe and modern human origins: New insights based on the faunal remains from Saint-Césaire, southwestern France. Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 103:186–189.
Morin, E., Tsanova, T., Sirakov, N., Rendu, W., Mallye, J.-B. and F. Lévêque 2005. Bone refits in stratified deposits: Testing the chronological grain at Saint-Césaire. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:1083–1098.
Morin, E. 2004. An experimental model for interpreting Levallois patterning and toolkit transport. In Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, edited by N. Conard, Tübingen: Kerns Verlag, pp. 317–341.