Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)
Life & Health Sciences DNA C226, ext.6102,
Research Interests: archaeology of ancient North Africa (c. 200 B.C.E.-300 C.E.), especially votive and funerary practices, pottery as an indicator of culture and economy, and cultural identity.
Curriculum Vitae
Current Projects
I am accepting grad students for 2024-25 to work with me on my current research projects, all of which are based on the archaeology of Punic and/or Roman North Africa and require proficiency in reading French:
- the economic and cultural ramifications of Roman pottery from Leptiminus, Tunisia;
- cultural identity as expressed on votive stelae from sanctuaries (a Latin reading ability would be beneficial for this topic); and terracotta figurines as offerings at sanctuaries and cemeteries.
Selected Publications
Moore, J.P. and L.M. Stirling 2021. “Practicalities of Grief and Commemoration: Accounting for Variation in Cremation Practices in Africa Proconsularis”, Antiquités africaines 57, 93-116.
Ben Lazreg, N., L.M. Stirling, and J.P. Moore (eds.) 2021. Leptiminus (Lamta), Report No. 4. The East Cemetery: Stratigraphy, Ceramics, Non-Ceramic Finds and Bio-Archaeological Studies, 2 fascicules. Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl. 110 (Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology), including the following chapters:
- Stirling, Ben Lazreg, and Moore, “The Leptiminus Archaeological Project and the East Cemetery: Introduction,” 9-15.
- Stirling and Moore, “Four Centuries of Burying the Dead: Demographics, Organization, and Practicalities,” 86-132.
- Moore and Stirling, “Grave-Goods and Rituals at the East Cemetery,” 133-171.
- Moore, “The Pottery from the ‘Pagan’ Sector of the East Cemetery (Sites 302 and 304),” 173-363.
- Moore, “Fragment of a Punic Terracotta Altar,” 461.
- Moore, “Funerary Inscriptions from the ‘Pagan’ Sector of the East Cemetery,” 505-509.
- Stirling, Keenleyside, and Moore, “Catalogue of Graves,” 617-694.
Mattingly, D.J., D.L. Stone, L.M. Stirling, J.P. Moore, A.I. Wilson, J.N. Dore, and N. Ben Lazreg 2011. “Economy”, in Leptiminus (Lamta) Report No. 3: The Field Survey, by D.L. Stone, D.J. Mattingly, and N. Ben Lazreg. Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl. 87 (Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology), 205-272.
Moore, J.P. 2011. “The Caduceus in the Second Punic War”, in L’iconographie et Religions dans le Maghreb antique et médiéval. Actes du 1er colloque international organise par L’Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Patrimoine, Tunis 21-23 février 2008, ed. L. Ben Abed Saadallah (Tunis: L’Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Patrimoine), 7-18.