The Trent University Occasional Papers in Anthropology is a publication series sponsored by the Department of Anthropology. The series provides rapid low cost publication of a variety of materials (field reports, technical manuals, collection of papers on a theme, etc.). A camera-ready copy must be submitted by the author. External review of the manuscript will be sought if requested by the author.
The Occasional Papers can be ordered from TUARC c/o The Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9L 0G2 Canada. Please make cheques payable to Trent University. Shipping costs are 10.00 within Canada/ USA, and 15.00 International.
No. 18 - PDF [Free - Open Source]
2015 Framing a comparative analysis of tropical civilizations: SETS Project - Phase 1 (Volume 2)
Iannone, Gyles, Kendall B. Hills and Scott Macrae, eds.
No. 17 - PDF [Free - Open Source]
2014 Framing a comparative analysis of tropical civilizations: SETS Project - Phase 1 (Volume 1)
Iannone, Gyles, ed.
No. 16 - 25.00
2014 Zooarchaeology of the Ancient Maya Centre of Pacbitun (Belize)
Healy, Paul F. and Kitty F. Emery, eds.
Sponsored by TUARC - Order form here
No. 15 - 20.00
2004 Birds From the Ground: The Record of Archaeology in Ontario
Sadler, Douglas C. and Howard G. Savage
Sponsored by TUARC
No. 14 - 8.00
1999 Linguistic Deconstruction: Contribution to an Anthropology of Language
Hagman, Roy S.
No. 13 - 20.00
1999 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1996 and 1997 Field Seasons
Healy Paul F. (ed.)
No. 12 (out of print)
1996 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1995 Field Season
Healy Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe, eds.
No. 11 - 8.00
1996 The Cultural Construction of Language: Five Anthropological Essays
Hagman, Roy S.
No. 10 ‐ 20.00
1995 Belize Valley Preclassic Maya Project: Report on the 1994 Field Season
Healy, Paul F. and Jaime J. Awe, eds.
No. 9 ‐ 8.00
1993 The Quackenbush Skeletons: Osteology and Culture
Helmuth, Hermann
No. 8 - 20.00
1989 Coastal Maya Trade
McKillop, Heather and Paul F. Healy, eds.
No. 7 - 5.00
1991 Unity and Sovereignty? The Gibson (Oka) Mohawk
Hamori-Torok, Charles and Joanne Heath-Menger
No. 6 (out of print)
1988 Tyendinaga: From Confederacy to Local Autonomy
Hamori‑Torok, Charles
No. 5 (out of print)
1988 Dawson Creek Site Feature Analysis: 4,000 Years of Ontario Prehistory
Jackson, Lawrence J.
No. 4 (out of print)
1987 Huamachuco Archaeological Project: Preliminary Report on the 1986 Field Session
Topic, Theresa Lange and John R. Topic
No. 3 (out of print)
1987 Burial Tower 2 and Fort A, Marcahuamachuco
Loten, H. Stanley
No. 2 - 4.00
1986 Anthropology and Theology: Possible Uses and Abuses
Hamori-Torok, Charles
No. 1 (out of print)
1984 Huamachuco Archaeological Project: Preliminary Report on the Third Season, June‑August 1983
Topic, Theresa Lange and John R. Topic
[Spanish ‑ English]