Associate Professor
B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier University), M.A. and Ph.D. (McMaster University)
Research Interests
Archaeology of ancient North Africa (c. 200 B.C.E.-300 C.E.), especially votive and funerary practices, pottery as an indicator of culture and economy, and cultural identity.
Curriculum Vitae
Jennifer P. Moore joined Trent University in 1999. She is a Mediterranean archaeologist with particular interest in the multi-cultural heritage of ancient North Africa as expressed through a wide range of physical evidence, including votive offerings, funerary monuments, epigraphy (inscriptions), iconography, and ceramic traditions. She also investigates the production, trade, and consumption of ancient pottery and foodstuffs and has served as a ceramicist for archaeological projects at Carthage and Leptiminus (present-day Lamta) in Tunisia, North Africa.
Select Publications
Moore, J.P. and L.M. Stirling 2021. “Practicalities of Grief and Commemoration: Accounting for Variation in Cremation Practices in Africa Proconsularis”, Antiquités africaines 57, 93-116.
Ben Lazreg, N., L.M. Stirling, and J.P. Moore (eds.) 2021. Leptiminus (Lamta), Report No. 4. The East Cemetery: Stratigraphy, Ceramics, Non-Ceramic Finds and Bio-Archaeological Studies, 2 fascicules. Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl. 110 (Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology), including the following chapters:
- Stirling, Ben Lazreg, and Moore, “The Leptiminus Archaeological Project and the East Cemetery: Introduction,” 9-15.
- Stirling and Moore, “Four Centuries of Burying the Dead: Demographics, Organization, and Practicalities,” 86-132.
- Moore and Stirling, “Grave-Goods and Rituals at the East Cemetery,” 133-171.
- Moore, “The Pottery from the ‘Pagan’ Sector of the East Cemetery (Sites 302 and 304),” 173-363.
- Moore, “Fragment of a Punic Terracotta Altar,” 461.
- Moore, “Funerary Inscriptions from the ‘Pagan’ Sector of the East Cemetery,” 505-509.
- Stirling, Keenleyside, and Moore, “Catalogue of Graves,” 617-694.
Moore, Jennifer P (2011). “The Caduceus in the Second Punic War”, in L’Iconographie et Religions dans le Maghreb antique et médiéval. Actes du 1er colloque international organise par L’Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Patrimoine, Tunis 21-23 février 2008, ed. L. Ben Abed Saadallah (Tunis: L’Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Patrimoine), 7-18.
Mattingly, D.J., D.L. Stone, L.M. Stirling, J.P. Moore, A.I. Wilson, J.N. Dore, and N. Ben Lazreg (2011). “Economy”, in Leptiminus (Lamta) Report No. 3: The Field Survey, by D.L. Stone, D.J. Mattingly, and N. Ben Lazreg. Journal of Roman Archaeology suppl. 87 (Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology), 205-272.
Moore, Jennifer P. (2010 [2011]). “When Not Just Any Wine Will Do...? The Proliferation of Coan-type Wine and Amphoras in the Greco-Roman World”, Marburger Beiträge zur antiken Handels-, Wirtschaftsund Sozialgeschichte 28, 89-122.
Moore, Jennifer P. (2010). “Naked Bull-Riding on Ceramic Products from Roman Africa”, in Africa Romana: I luoghi e le forme dei mestieri e della produzione nelle province africane, Atti del XVIII convegno di studio,Olbia, 11-14 dicembre 2008 (Rome: Carocci editore), 713-724.
Moore, Jennifer P. (2009). “Antique Motifs on Early Roman Votive Stelae from Central Tunisia”, in Les ateliers de sculpture régionaux: techniques, styles et iconographie. Actes du Xe Colloque international sur l’art provincial romain, Arles & Aix-en-Provence, 21-23 mai 2007, by V. Gaggadis-Robin et al. (France: Centre Camille Julien and Musée Départmental de l’Arles Antique), 455-464.
Moore, Jennifer P. (2008). “Common Pottery Traditions of Tripolitania and Byzacena,” in Africa Romana, Le ricchezze dell’Africa. Risorse, produzioni, scambi. Atti del XVII convegno di studi, Sevilla, 14-17 dicembre 2006, 3 (Rome: Carocci editore), 2275-2286.
Moore, Jennifer P. (2007). “The ‘Mausoleum Culture’ of Africa Proconsularis”, in Mortuary Landscapes of North Africa, eds. D.L. Stone and L.M. Stirling. Phoenix suppl. 43 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), 75-109.