If your instructor has his or her own requirements, follow them. These guidelines are the most commonly required.
- General Formatting
- Font
- Spacing
- Paragraphs
- Pagination
- Scientific Writing Conventions
- Proofreading
- Subheadings
- Tables and Figures
- Title Page
General Formatting
Use Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point in size with standard 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins.
When beginning a new paragraph, indent five spaces or ½ inch. Keep the text alignment to the left.
Scientific Writing Conventions
Subheading Formats
First level: bold capitals and lowercase
Second level: capitals and lowercase
Third level: italic small capitals
Tables and Figures
Refer to tables and figures in the text of your paper by their label:
The tensile strength of the new alloy was double that of the old one (Table 3).
Title Page
- A title page is required for CSE. The title page should include the full title, writer’s name, name of course, instructor’s name, and date, and all of this information should be centered.
- Don't underline, italicize, or bold the title, and it is not necessary to put it in quotation marks or in block capitals.
- The entire title page should be double spaced. Use 12 point black Times New Roman font.
- Omit a header or a page number on the title page.