Research using the Varian ICP-MS
Wang, W., D.H. Dang, B. Novotnik, T.T. Phan, R.D. Evans. 2019. Variations in U concentrations and isotope signatures in two Canadian lakes impacted by U mining: A combination of anthropogenic and biogeochemical processes. Chemical Geology 506:58-67.
Baya A.P., M. Gosselin, I. Lehnherr, V. St. Louis, H. Hintelmann. 2014 . Determination of monomethylmercury and dimethylmercury in the Arctic marine boundary layer. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(1): 223--232.
Baya A.P., J.L. Hollinsworth, H. Hintelmann. 2013. Evaluation and optimization of solid adsorbents for the sampling of gaseous methylated mercury species. Analytica Chimica Acta. 786: 61--69.
Zhong, H., L. Kraemer, D. Evans. 2013. Influence of body size on Cu bioaccumulation in zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to different sources of particle-associated Cu. Journal of Hazardous Materials 261:746–752
Zhong, H., L. Kraemer, D. Evans. 2013. Influence of contact time and sediment composition on the bioavailability of Cd in sediments. Environmental Pollution 173:11-16
Das P, M.A. Xenopoulos, C.D. Metcalfe. 2013. Toxicity of silver nanoparticles and titanium dioxide nanoparticle suspensions to the aquatic invertebrate, Daphnia magna. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 91:76-82
Hoque, M.E. K. Khosravi, K. Newman, C.D. Metcalfe. 2012. Detection and characterization of silver nanoparticles in aqueous matrixes using asymmetric-flow field flow fractionation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (AF4-ICP-MS). J. Chromatogr. A 1233:109-115.
Kraemer, L.D., Evans, R.D. and Dillon, P.J. 2012. The impacts of ontogenetic dietary shifts in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) on Zn and Hg accumulation. Ecotox. and Environ. Safety 78: 246-252
Das, P., C.J. Williams, R.F. Fulthorpe, Md. E. Hoque, C.D. Metcalfe, M.A. Xenopoulos. 2012. Changes in bacterial community structure after exposure to silver nanoparticles in natural waters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46:9120-9128.
Khosravi K., M.E. Hoque, B. Dimock, C.D. Metcalfe 2012. A novel approach for digesting titanium dioxide nanoparticles in water using ammonium persulfate as a fusing reagent, J. Analytical Chimica Acta 713:86-91.
Das, P., C.D. Metcalfe, C.J. Williams, M.E. Hoque, M.A. Xenopoulos. 2012. Effects of silver nanoparticles on bacterial activity in natural waters. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31:122-130.
Li, C., Lariviere, D., Kiser, S., Moodie, G. Falcomer, R., Elliot, N., Burchart, L., Paterson, L., Epov, V., Evans, R. D., Pappas, S., Smith J., and Cornett, R.J. 2008. Method intercomparison for the analysis of 239/240Pu in human urine. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 23: 521-526.
Taylor, V.F., Evans, R.D., Cornett, R.J., 2008. Preliminary evaluation of 135Cs / 137Cs as a forensic tool for identifying source of radioactive contamination. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99: 109-118.
Epov, V.N., Evans, R.D., Zheng, J. Donard, O.F.X. and Yamada, M. 2007. Rapid fingerprinting of 239Pu and 240Pu in samples with high U levels using on-line ion chromatography coupled with high sensitivity quadrupole ICP-MS detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 22:1131-1137