Research using the Micromass (Isoprimes) CF-IRMS
Casson, NJ, Eimers, MC, Watmough SA. 2013. Sources of nitrate export during rain-on-snow events at forested catchments. Biogeochemistry. DOI 10.1007/s10533-013-9850-4
Kraemer, L.D., Evans, R.D. and Dillon, P.J. 2012. The impacts of ontogenetic dietary shifts in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) on Zn and Hg accumulation. Ecotox. And Environ. Safety 78: 246-252
Kraemer, L.D. and Evans, R.D. 2012. Uranium bioaccumulation in a freshwater ecosystem: Impact of feeding ecology. Aquatic Toxicol., 124-125: 163-170
Laxton, D.L., Watmough, S.A., Aherne, J. 2012. Nitrogen cycling in Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides stands in the Athabasca Oil Sands regions, Alberta, Canada. Water Air Soil Pollution 223:1-13
Eimers, M.C., A. Paterson, P.J. Dillon, S.L. Schiff, B. Cumming and R.I. Hall. 2006. Sediment core records of S accumulation and S isotopic composition in central Ontario lakes. J. Paleolimnol. 35:99-109.
Buttle, J.M., P.J. Dillon and G.R. Eerkes. 2004. Hydrologic coupling of slopes, riparian zones and streams: an example from the Canadian Shield. J. Hydrol. 287:161-177.
Eimers, M.C., P.J. Dillon and S.L. Schiff. 2004. Sulphate flux from an upland forested catchment in south-central Ontario, Canada. Water Air Soil Pollut. 152:3-21.
Eimers, M.C., P.J. Dillon and S.L. Schiff. 2004. A S-isotope approach to determine the relative contribution of redox processes to net SO4 export from upland, and wetland-dominated catchments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68:3665-3674.
Eimers, M.C., P.J. Dillon, S.L. Schiff and D.S. Jeffries. 2003. The effects of drying and re-wetting and increased temperature on sulphate release from upland and wetland material. Soil Biol. Biochem. 35:1663-1673.