Research using the Thermo Finnigan (Element2) ICP-MS
Shaun A. Watmough. 2014. Calcium, strontium and barium biogeochemistry in a forested catchment and insight into elemental discrimination. Biogeochemistry 118:357–369
Burton, A., J. Aherne and N. Hassan. 2013. Trace metals in upland headwater lakes in Ireland. Ambio DOI: 10.1007/s13280-013-0381-y
Burton, A.W. and J. Aherne. 2012. Changes in the chemistry of small Irish lakes. Ambio 41:170-179 DOI: 10.1007/s13280-011-0177-x
Hrenchuk LE, PJ Blanchfield, MJ Paterson, H Hintelmann. 2012. Dietary and waterborne mercury accumulation by yellow perch: a field experiment. Environmental Science and Technology, 46:509-516
Guéguen, C., O. Clarisse, A. Perroud, A. McDonald. 2011. Chemical speciation and partitioning of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb) in the lower Athabasca River and its tributaries (Alberta, Canada). J. Monit. Environ. 13:2865-2872.
Lehnherr I, VL St. Louis, H Hintelmann and JL Kirk. 2011. Methylation of inorganic mercury in polar marine waters. Nature Geoscience, 4:298-302
Elwaer N, H Hintelmann 2008: Selective separation of selenium (IV) by thiol cellulose powder and subsequent selenium isotope ratio determination using multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 23:733-743.
Li, C., Lariviere, D., Kiser, S., Moodie, G. Falcomer, R., Elliot, N., Burchart, L., Paterson, L., Epov, V.1, Evans, R. D., Pappas, S., Smith J., and Cornett, R.J. 2008. Method intercomparison for the analysis of 239/240Pu in human urine. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 23: 521-526
Taylor, V.F., Evans, R.D., Cornett, R.J. 2008. Preliminary evaluation of 135Cs / 137Cs as a forensic tool for identifying source of radioactive contamination. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 99: 109-118
Orihel DM, MJ Paterson, PJ Blanchfield, D Bodaly, CC Gilmour, H Hintelmann 2008: Temporal changes in the distribution, methylation, and bioaccumulation of newly deposited mercury in an aquatic ecosystem. Environmental Pollution. 154:77-88.
Harris RC, JWM Rudd, M Amyot, C Babiarz, K Beaty, P Blanchfield, RA Bodaly, B Branfireun, CC Gilmour, J Graydon, A Heyes, H Hintelmann, J Hurley, CA Kelly, D Krabbenhoft, S Lindberg, R Mason, M Paterson, C Podemski, A Robinson, K Sandilands, G Southworth, V St. Louis, M Tate 2007: Whole-ecosystem study shows rapid fish-mercury response to changes in mercury deposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:16586-16591
Larivière, D., Brownell, D. K., Epov, V. N., Cornett, R. J., and Evans, R. D. 2007. Determination of 226Ra in sediments by ICP-MS: A comparative study of three sample preparation approaches. J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chem. 273: 337-344
St. Louis V, H Hintelmann, JA Graydon, JL Kirk, J Barker, BK Dimock, A Steffen, MJ Sharp, I Lehnherr 2007: Methylated mercury species in Canadian high Arctic surface waters and snowpacks. Environmental Science & Technology 41:6433-6441
Van Walleghem JLA, PJ Blanchfield, H Hintelmann 2007: Elimination of mercury by yellow perch in the wild. Environmental Science & Technology 41:5895-5901
Orihel DM, MJ Paterson, PJ Blanchfield, D Bodaly, H Hintelmann 2007. Experimental Evidence of a Linear Relationship between Inorganic Mercury Loading and Methylmercury Accumulation by Aquatic Biota. Environmental Science & Technology 41:4952-4958
Southworth G, S Lindberg, H Hintelmann, M Amyot, A Poulain, M Bogle, M Paterson, JMW Rudd, R Harris, K Sandilands, D Krabbenhoft, M Olsen 2007: Evasion of added isotopic mercury from a north temperate lake. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 26:53-60
Paterson MJ, P Blanchfield, C Podemski, H Hintelmann, R Harris, N Ogrinc, JMW Rudd, KA Sandilands. 2006. Bioaccumulation of newly-deposited mercury by fish and invertebrates: an enclosure study using stable mercury isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Science 63:2213-2224
Orihel DM, MJ Paterson, CC Gilmour, RA Bodaly, PJ Blanchfield, H Hintelmann, RC Harris, JWM Rudd 2006. Effect of loading rate on the fate of mercury in littoral mesocosms. Environmental Science & Technology 40:5992-6000
Poulain AJ, DM Orihel, M Amyot, M Paterson, H Hintelmann, G Southworth 2006: Relationship between the loading rate of inorganic mercury to aquatic ecosystems and dissolved gaseous mercury production and evasion. Chemosphere 65:2199-2207
Graydon JA, VL St.Louis, SE Lindberg, H Hintelmann, D Krabbenhoft 2006: Investigation of mercury exchange between forest canopy vegetation and the atmosphere using a new dynamic chamber. Environmental Science and Technology 40:4680-4688
Benkhedda, K., Epov, V. N., and Evans, R.D. 2005. Flow injection technique for the determination of uranium and thorium isotopes in urine. J. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 381: 1596-1603
Benkhedda, K., Lariviere, D., Scott, S., Evans, R.D. 2005. Hyphenation of flow injection on-line preconcentration and ICP-MS for the rapid determination of 226Ra in natural waters. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 20: 523-528
Lariviere, D., Reiber, K.M., Evans, R.D., and R.J. Cornett. 2005. Determination of Pb-210 at ultra-trace levels in water by ICP-MS. Analytica Chimica Acta 549: 188-196
Lariviere, D., Epov, V.N., Reiber, K.M., Cornett, R.J. and R.D. Evans. 2005. Micro-extraction procedures for the determination of Ra-226 in well waters by SF-ICP-MS. Analytica Chimica Acta 528: 175 - 182
Sarica J, M Amyot, L Hare, P Blanchfield, RA Bodaly, H Hintelmann, M Lucotte 2005: Mercury transfer from fish carcasses to scavengers in boreal lakes: the use of stable isotopes of mercury. Environmental Pollution 134:13-22
Taylor, V.F., R.E. March, H.P. Longerich and C.J. Stadey. 2005. A mass spectrometric study of glucose, sucrose, and fructose using an Inductively-Coupled Plasma and Electrospray Ionization. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 243:71-84
Epov, V.N., Larivière, D., Epova E.N., and Evans, R.D. 2004. Polyatomic interferences produced by macroelementsduring direct multi-elemental ICP-MS Hydrochemical analysis. Geostandards And Geoanalytical Research. 28: 213-224