Procedure for students seeking supporting documentation from the Student Wellness Centre
1. The first step is for the student to meet with an academic advisor to discuss the petition
2. All requests for supporting documentation are to be made directly to Stewart Engelberg (, Director of the Student Wellness Centre (not the clinician with whom they have had appointments)
3. Students are to attach their statement of grounds and to include course code(s) for which they are petitioning, to the email.
4. Students are to complete the Student Wellness Centre Consent to release information form authorizing the release of information “from” the Student Wellness Centre indicating which departments (Health, Counselling, Accessibility) the authorization is covering. The release “to” is to identify the Academic Advisor (by name) and the “Committee for Undergraduate Petitions”. Consent forms must be signed by both the student and witness and we only accept actual versus digital signatures. Completed consent forms are to be scanned and returned to the Director or dropped off to the Director’s attention at Suite 132 Blackburn Hall (Student Accessibility Services)
5. This process can take up to 10 business days and students will be copied on the email to the academic advisor or emailed directly if the Director requires clarification or does not believe support can be extended.