The top portion of the syllabus screen outlines the Course Properties:
What Information Should be Entered Here?
- Colleague Section ID: This field is used to match your syllabus to a student’s class schedule, presenting them with a list of relevant syllabuses. This section does not need to be filled in if unknown.
- Course Title: The title of the course, i.e. Greek Mythology
- Subject, Course Code, Course Weight, Section:
*If there is only one section for your course, you will enter “A”
*You can only enter one section letter per syllabus. If you teach multiple sections of the same course, you will need to create a copy of your syllabus and change the section letter in each copy (See “Copying and Sharing a Syllabus”). - Reading course/practicum: This field is used to distinguish between courses with multiple students, and research/practicum courses (usually with one professor and one student).
- Location: On which campus does the course take place?
- Home Department: Which department “owns” this course? In the case of cross-listed courses, it is only necessary to select the home department
- Term: When is this course taking place?
- Keywords: Keywords is a meta-data field, which can be used to help students find your course. For example, if your course is part of a stream that isn’t otherwise clear in the course title, you might want to list it here, e.g. Neuropsychology, European History, Law.
- Course Start: The first day of class.
- Course End: The last day of class.
If your course is cross-listed with other departments, the Subject field should be populated with the course's primary subject (i.e. CUST) - make sure to also designate this department as the course's home department. The other subjects that the course falls under should then be populated in the cross-listings field, in the following format: BIOL-CHEM-WMST.