What is the student’s responsibility?
- Ensure the sponsorship letters are received at studentsponsorship@trentu.ca within the prescribed deadlines.
- Charges on the student account that are not covered by the sponsorship contract are to be paid in full by the billed due dates.
- That health and dental insurance plans can be opted-out of if the student is eligible to do so and does not want the insurance. Please contact the TCSA office.
- That any academic updates/transcripts are submitted to the sponsors as required; this is not something that Student Accounts or Student Sponsorship Clerk's will do on the student’s behalf.
- Ultimately the student is responsible for the balance owing should Student Accounts not be able to collect from the sponsor.
- Student invoices should not be sent to the sponsor for payment. The sponsorship should be set up so that the sponsor is billed directly.
- Student should complete the "Release of Information" form found in their MYTrent portal. This provides the University the required permission to answer inquiries form a third party sponsor regarding the student's financial and academic information.