What is sexual violence?
Sexual violence is any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.
Check out #itsneverokay for more info and reports from the government of Ontario.
What is sexual assault?
Sexual assault refers to all incidents of unwanted sexual activity, including rape and sexual touching, that violate the sexual integrity of a person. Sex without consent is sexual assault. Remember, someone who is asleep, unconscious, and/or drunk/high CANNOT consent.
What is drug-facilitated sexual assault:
Drug-facilitated sexual assault is an assault occurring as a result of drugs being used to compromise one’s ability to consent to sexual activity. The most common drugs used for drug-facilitated sexual assault are alcohol, marijuana and rohypnol (also known as roofies). Anyone can use substances to drug you, whether someone you know or a stranger at a bar. It happens more than you think. If you think you've been drugged, go to the hospital.
Watch the following video for more information on how to challenge the culture of sexual violence: