Advisory Committee to Review the Presidency
Committee Composition
Board of Governors Special Resolution III.2 - Presidential Absence, Review, and Search Policy establishes Advisory Committee Membership composition as follows:
6 external members of the Board, one of whom will act as chair and at least one of whom shall be an alumnus/alumna; 1 faculty member of the Board; 1 staff member of the Board; 1 student member of the Board; 2 faculty Senators named by Senate, each chosen from academic departments/programs not already represented by the faculty member of the Board; and 1 student Senator named by Senate.
The 2022-23 Advisory Committee to Review the Presidency:
- Krista Scaldwell, Chair (Board of Governors appointee - external, alumni)
- Debra Cooper Burger (Board of Governors appointee - external)
- Hugh Hodges (Senate appointee - faculty)
- Kristi Honey (Board of Governors appointee - external)
- William Kim (Senate appointee - student)
- Mike Lavallée (Board of Governors appointee - external)
- Valentine Lovekin (Board of Governors appointee - external, alumni)
- Jennifer McGarrity (Board of Governors appointee - external, alumni)
- Ashish Mishra (Board of Governors appointee - student)
- Chris Nelan (Board of Governors appointee - staff)
- Heather Nicol (Senate appointee - faculty)
- Hasmet Uluorta (Board of Governors appointee - faculty)