Ontario Association of Physics Teachers
The mission of the OAPT is to advance the teaching of physics in the secondary schools, colleges, and universities of Ontario and to promote a professional spirit and collegiality among the members of the Association.
Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP)
CAP provides a forum for physicists to meet and discuss physics, increases the visibility of Canadian Physics, and raises the profile of Canadian Physicists, in Canada and abroad, provides a united voice for physicists on the national scene and speaks out on science policy and funding issues, raises public awareness to the significance of physics for the well-being of our country and encourages young Canadians, both men and women, to study physics.
Physical Constants, Units and Uncertainties
A resource from NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
Physics and Astronomy Demonstration Website (submitted by Pauline). A Collection of Physics Demonstrations for Students & Teachers!.
The Website for Physicists, the web site of Physics World, a monthly magazine (previously Physics Web).
HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation.
Many physics-related resources, organizations, journals, and other www links.
Nobel Prize Official website of the Nobel Foundation.
The Contemporary Physics Education Project
Interactive tutorials for introductory physics students about particle physics including: The Particle Adventure and Fusion - Physics.
"Your guide to physics on the web". A great time sink.
Physics Education Research Group
Ohio State University. Different projects related to Physics Education. (Maple tutorial too).
Combines rich narrative biography with clear graphic explanation to describe Canada's greatest scientists and their achievements. Great Canadian scientists. Are there any other kind?
- NASA Web Site Links to all NASA projects- past and present- lots of history, links to international space agencies, and great pictures, too.
- Latest Hubble Space Telescope Releases All the latest and the best from HST.
- THE CANADIAN AERONAUTICS AND SPACE INSTITUTE / L'INSTITUT AÉRONAUTIQUE ET SPATIAL DU CANADA Advancing the art, science, engineering and application of aerospace in Canada. / L'avancement des art, des sciences, du génie et des applications aérospatiales au Canada
- Sky and Telescope Online A great site for the amateur observer! In addition to previews of the monthly magazine Sky & Telescope, there are news releases (updated weekly), observing tips, and reviews of binoculars, telescopes, and astronomy books.
- Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) The Canadian association of/physics/node/38/edit professional astronomers.
- American Astronomical Society Many astronomical links: history, education, jobs, journals, and FTP archive.
- Earth and Moon Viewer View the Earth and Moon from many perspectives, weather maps, etc.
- Physics Today Issue preview (published by the American Institute of Physics)
- American Journal of Phyisics ( from the American Association of Physics Teachers)
- Physical Review Letters (from The American Physical Society)
- Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics (from The American Physical Society)
- Astrophysical Journal (from the American Astronomical Society)