Independent / Dependent Variables
Put your skills, to the test.
The researchers in the following studies became so overwhelmed they can no longer remember which variable is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable.
Establish the IV and DV for each experiment then click/tap on the IV / DV images to find out if you are correct.
Rock On
Researchers would like to know if listening to a specific type of music helps students achieve better grades?
Shop till you drop
A study predicting that playing high school sports leads to increased levels of debt in adulthood.
Remember to Exercise
Researchers want to test whether exercise improves student’s memory. Two groups are created: an exercise group and a control group which receives no exercise. After a week, the researchers test memory using 30 flash cards.
Test Timing
A tutor wants to test whether students do better on exams when they spend more minutes writing the test and whether it is because of the students’ natural intelligence (IQ)