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Geography award winners take on challenging thesis topics

Chris Daniels, one of two winners of the Currie Honours Award, was at Trent University just prior to departure for his trip to Ecuador where he is studying Incan trails and roads.

Chris Daniels and Emily Addison have at least one thing in common: an award-winning interest in Geography. Two of several students who won awards for their excellence in Geography studies, both Chris and Emily are students who decided to explore culture as part of a fourth year thesis course.

An Honours graduate of Geography now attending Queen's University as part Trent's Concurrent Education program, Emily won the Canadian Association of Geographer's Undergraduate Award. The prize is awarded to the Honours Geography student at Trent who is judged to have the best academic record in fourth year geography courses. Emily pursued a personal interest in the Dance Halls of Inverness County in Cape Breton for her fourth year thesis. Through her studies, she learned a lot about how the dance halls fit into the geographic realm of information and how people see themselves as part of their landscape. One of Emily's greatest pleasures in completing her thesis was meeting dance hall regular Jerome Campbell (Ginger).

Chris Daniels was one of two students presented with the Currie Honours Award this year. The prize is presented annually to students enrolled in a Geography honours thesis course on the basis of both academic achievement and proposed thesis research. Chris's thesis will take him all the way to Ecuador where he will study Incan trails and roads used during the empire for trading. Because the trails are now being used by eco-tourism companies, part of Chris's work will be to determine how many people the trails can sustain. Chris is grateful for the monetary prize attached to this award: $1000 which this year was divided between two winners: Chris and fellow fourth year geography student Christine Hopkins. The Currie Honours Award is the generous gift of John Currie. John and his wife Nancy are alumni of Trent University and John is a past president of the Alumni Association.

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