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Water: the hot topic at Chancellor's Dialogue

Chancellor Peter Gzowski will moderate as the following speakers address the topic of Water at Trent University's annual Chancellor's Dialogue, Thursday, November 8th. 7:30 p.m. at Wenjack Theatre:

Richard Bocking: Award-winning BC filmmaker and author of Canada's Water ­ For Sale? and Mighty River: A Portrait of the Fraser.

Edward E. Geldreich: A research microbiologist, author of Microbial Quality Water Supply in Distribution Systems, and an expert asked by the Walkerton Inquiry to visit municipal water supply sites and submit a report.

Robin Harper: Long-time political activist for the Green Party and the only Green Party member to sit in a British parliamentary body, Rector of Edinburgh University, and speaker (invited to address the Canadian Parliament on environmental issues).

David Schindler: Killam Memorial Professor of Ecology at the University of Alberta, Fellow of the Royal Society and winner of many awards including the nserc Award of Excellence, founder of the Experimental Lakes Project of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and researcher on the effects of eutrophication, acid rain, radioactivity, and climate change on boreal ecosystems.

All are welcome.

For more information, please contact Kathryn Chittick at

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