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Research Success at Trent

Trent's excellence in attracting research funding by its faculty has enhanced the university's national standing as evidenced by Maclean's rankings, support recently received from the Canada Research Chairs program, and research infrastructure awards given by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (cfi) and the Ontario Innovation Trust (oit).

Dr. Bryan D. Palmer was named Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Canadian Studies. Dr. Palmer comes to Trent from Queen's University. He is known nationally and internationally for his research contributions and achievements in the area of Canadian labour issues. In support of his research program as a Canada Research Chair (crc), Palmer has been awarded a cfi infrastructure grant of $75,000, in addition to $75,000 matching support from the oit in the form of an Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award (odra).

Dr. Eric Helleiner, Associate Professor in Trent's Political Studies Department, has been named Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in International Political Economy. During the tenure of this five-year renewable position, Dr. Helleiner will explore the political and economic factors at play in the debate over the creation of a North American monetary union. In support of his research, Dr. Helleiner will receive $74,465 from the cfi as well as an odra from the oit for $74,465.

Over the past year, Dr. Bradley White has received almost $1.5 million in funding to enhance his research in wildlife forensics and natural resources dna profiling. He joins the Trent community as Canada Research Chair in Conservation Genetics and Biodiversity (Tier I) from McMaster University. He has received infrastructure awards of $350,000 from the cfi as well as an odra from the oit in the same amount to support his research program while Chair. These funds complement a previous cfi award of $440,000 as well as a $300,000 grant received from the oit late last year, both in support of the Natural Resources dna Profiling and Forensic Centre, which is a partnership between the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (omnr) and Trent University. crs Robotics of Burlington and Maxxam Analytics also provided support for this project.

Chemist, Dr. Steven Rafferty, received a New Opportunities Award of $61,389 from the cfi to support the equipment needs of his research on the protein expression, purification, and characterization. This grant was matched dollar for dollar by the oit. Both awards were made possible thanks to contributions by Varian Canada and Pfizer Canada.

Trent's Ontario Power Generation/ nserc Industrial Research Chair in Watershed Biogeochemistry, Dr. Peter Dillon, was awarded $670,000 by the cfi and matched by oit for isotope analysis equipment. These purchases will enhance the analytical techniques used by Trent's Water Quality Centre to assess water quality and toxicological effects in aquatic systems. Dillon was also awarded $83,600 through cfi's New Opportunities program and matched by oit for his research into the biogeochemistry of watersheds.

Psychologist, Dr. James Parker, was named crc (Tier II) in Emotion and Health and was awarded $36,798 by the cfi to support his research. In the past, Dr. Parker received an Ontario Premier's Research Excellence Award of $100,000. The award was enhanced by a $50,000 contribution from a corporate sponsor, Multi-Health Systems, Inc.

Through the Canada Research Chairs Program (crcp) the Government of Canada supports excellence in university-based research. Chairholders are world leaders, or rising research stars, in the natural sciences and engineering, health sciences and social sciences and humanities. When crcp is fully implemented, there will be 2000 Chairholders in universities across Canada. More information on the program is available at


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Last updated November 30, 2001