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Trent #1 for 11th Year in a Row

Trent University shone yet again in the Maclean's annual universities ranking released November 11th. For the 11th year straight, Trent ranked first among primarily undergraduate universities in Ontario-and moved up to third place among undergraduate universities nationally.

Trent University President and Vice Chancellor Bonnie Patterson greeted the improvement as an affirmation of the university's strategic direction to secure its position as Canada's outstanding liberal arts and science university. "Trent is first in Central Canada and has regained its earlier place as third throughout the country," said President Patterson. "This is another great news story for Trent students and faculty. Trent proves once again to be a centre for excellence-and that is wonderful news for everyone."

The results highlighted areas where the university continues to excel: class size, award-winning faculty, and scholarships and bursaries. "Trent's class sizes are generally recognized as the most enviable in the university system and our first place ranking in this category reflects our attention to the individual student," commented Patterson. "This year, the percentage of first and second year students with classes of 25 students or less jumped from 74% to 81%. Third and fourth year students enjoy even greater intensity of interaction with faculty with 94% in classes of 25 students or less." Patterson adds that small class sizes will serve the university well as it prepares to receive approximately 1,295 younger students for the double cohort in 2003.

The university's success in attracting federal research grants also impacted upon its ranking this year. Statistics show the average faculty member at Trent brings in $30,000 annually in federal research grants alone. "The achievements of our faculty are enhancing Trent's reputation for world class research," commented Patterson.

The university also boasts a strong link between enrollment and graduation; 82% of those who begin studies at Trent go on to graduate. Statistics show that Trent students benefit from exposure to tenured faculty and PhDs. Close to seven out of ten first year classes are taught by tenured faculty and almost nine out of ten Trent faculty members possess a PhD.

President Patterson noted the university's size continues to be an advantage in its reputation for excellence. "Trent is committed to investing in people and that has allowed the university to recruit and retain high quality students, faculty and staff," she said. "Overall, it's Trent's student-centred approach to learning in a dynamic arts and sciences environment that consistently puts us at the top. The entire community benefits from this philosophy and it is clear from today's results that the message is getting out."

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Last updated November 30, 2001