Professor Donald Mackay, Director of Trent's Environmental Modelling Centre, has received the prestigious Mellanby Review Award for his work in environmental pollution.
"This award recognizes his distinguished record of achievement in research on partitioning and transport processes of organic contaminants in the environment," said W.J. Manning, Editor, Environmental Pollution, in announcing the award. "More than 500 publications have resulted from research done by Professor Mackay and members of his lab group."
The focus of Professor Mackay's work concerns water quality in the Great Lakes and the Arctic.
The award carries a $1,500 US bursary and pays the recipient's travel expenses to attend a public lecture where he is to give a review paper.
Mackay delivered the Mellanby Review lecture at the annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology and Chemistry in Nashville, Tennessee on November 13th.
The Mellanby Review Award is given biennially to a distinguished scientist working in an area of environmental pollution.